Reviews for Sea of Second Chances
Arrancar113 chapter 28 . 8/29
I love this story. My only question is. Where's Mila-Rose? Apacci is with Halibel. Sung-Sun is enslaved to davy Jones. Which I can't wait for that to be revealed to Halibel and the ensuing hell she's going to raise because of it. Mila is the only one we don't know about. Unless I missed it by chance.
Black' Victor Cachat chapter 28 . 8/29
Good of Kisame to work on his training like that. LOL for the game that is set up :-P

Whoops, sorry Rangiku, your every embarrassing story WILL be spread across the seas before this is done...

I suspect that by the time this is done, the reaction the C.S. crew will be to treat any insect or rodent aboard ship as something to be treated with lethal force. I do not recommend Rita Skeeter visiting :-P

Really appreciated how you showed Nami working on improving here, and accepting the pain like that. You really get into her inner steal. Also nice touch with how perfectly Sanji handles the groceries.

Robin, formerly of the Pirate King's crew, Tobirama the Second Hokage, Ulquiorra, AND a god. Pretty mighty reaction force!

Love that battle of thunder and lightning. My money is that Palpatine kills most of them, has Thor wounded, until then Pikachu picks up Mjolnir and smites the Sith Lord once and for all!

Oof, yeah that is a foe worthy of being Cipactli's #2. Especially since not just a spy, but as the muscle too. Remember one version I read, a Skinchanger can only be killed by a magic of a wise man, and shrugs off or heals away anything else... Although curious what his motive for serving is.

Keep up the great work! :-D
neah20 chapter 28 . 8/28
Tobirama! is great! with Robin and Ulquiorra! is my kage favorite!

Hashirama too.
maseta chapter 28 . 8/28
AWWWWWWW YEEEEAAAAHHHHH! Such a good chapter dude, and a perfect one for me to return to. (Thanks army)

I mean. We get an appearance from my favorite Greek Goddess and Greek hero! Not to mention some more great interactions between the crew and even more world building.

Can't wait for the next one!
Blomquist chapter 28 . 8/28
Please make the omake canon, Pikachu!

Prediction time!

They arrive at the island and everything turns upside down faster then you can blink.
Hewhoknows12 chapter 28 . 8/28
Not have chapter, Oh shit the Skinwalker, that thing in stories to the game Until Dawn of always made my skin crawl pun not intended. But yeah you know their deep shit of a God is concerned. I do like how crew getting so far it's to see our Hollow Queen and Appaci come out of their shells.
SebasOoalDemiurge chapter 28 . 8/27
Seeing the Skinwalker infiltrate the ship was a definite 'Oh shit' moment. I have the feeling that he will be an annoying opponent.

I am looking forward to having Robin reunite with the Strawhats that are present on the crew. I wouldn't be surprised if she asked Athena to let her travel with Jinbe and co.
darkmachines chapter 28 . 8/27
Nice to see Ulquiorra again.

Ok I thought of this. I can see Dordoni and Gantenbainne and a group of kind of nice and goofy villain the could have been heroes. Cirucci should be with a group of gothic or bird theme woman like Monet please. And Rudobon he with other that have clone power like Zetsu.

As for Skullak tell me what you think of this?

On a far island that didn't have many living that two blade were clash make shock wave in the area about them. The two warrior that were clash blade for fun were SternRitter M Gerard and Privaorn Espada 101 Skullak.

"I must say Skullak you very impressive swordsmen," said Gerard.

"Why that you and you very strong too and have a good sense of honor too," said Skullak.

"Of course, don't think all the Qunicy are dishonor, I find a warrior like you a perfect traveling partner and about to clash sword once and a while too," said Gerard.

"And I don't mine that at all," said Skullak. "However, my main mission is to try to find all the others Arrancars. Been a long while I seen most of them, but lucky I found my former fraccions first."

Off to the side were several other people watch the training match which had Aisslinger and Demoura, the former fraccions of the former Primera back in the older days.

"So what are you plans Gerard?" asked Skullak as the two pick to take a break.

"Hmm not sure," said Gerard thinking about it. "I guess find his Majesty is my first order being one of his elite, but I don't mind looking for other SternRitter like Pernida and Lille."

"Well as long they don't attack me then I help you out," said Skullak.

"Same with me for you find your Arrancar allies," said Gerard.
ZN chapter 27 . 8/14
Hello! It’s been a long time since I have posted a review for you, so you probably won’t remember me lol. I have to say the story is proceeding nicely! The only criticism I have is that you should be careful about adding too many characters and plot twists in one chapter, as that can overwhelm or annoy a reader such as myself, since we are then expected to remember all of them for later. Other than that, I liked the latest chapters. :) Also, there is no way Naruto and the rest of the Tail Beasts are gonna like or stand for how Ciplactli just brainwashed two of the Tail Beasts, so maybe Naruto and rest of them will make a surprise appearance? - ZN
darkmachines chapter 27 . 8/6
You mess up is Driscoll Beric, not Robert. Also seem Nnoitra and Tesla were together.

Yammy and Jerome together, that interesting team up.

Anyway I gave it time to think it over and I think I got it now.

Have Skullak only with Cirucci and Rudobon for the start. While Dordoni and Gantenbainne are all somewhere else to be found later by the three. Is that Ok?

Or have Skullak being look for Dordoni, Cirucci, Gantenbainne and Rudobon and another Arrancars, but have his loyal fraccions Aisslinger and Demoura be with him too.

As for who would be with Skullak, Gerard a perfect choice being both are honorable warriors. One being a Gladiator and the other is Bleach version of Thor. And if you can think of honorable other characters from anime you think work great with Skullak being the leader of the group then I enjoy it.

I hope to see the group of true warriors traveling around. Only goal Skullak has is to find everyone meaning almost every fellow Arrancars there is. Though not Nnoitra or Yammy, since Skullak never like them at all. Look forward to see what going to happen next please.
Black' Victor Cachat chapter 27 . 8/6
The gods have an impressive assortment of forces to be sure, but the fact that their leadership relies so much on intimidation (or brainwashing in Cipactli's case) of course means that if the gods get weak, their own people will turn upon them...

Ah, our least favourite Fishman is back, along with the Espada Halibel most wanted to kill. Plus a Quincy who had likely seen her so vulnerable.

Oof, that is a scary large fleet! The Beast Pirates certainly found their home, and like business as usual for them...

Quite the fearsome array of mythical monsters!

And now an island on the move...

LOL for the shark films :-P Yep, can totally see those two raising shark pups together. With laser beams attached ;-)

Well, Cipactli has just declared war on all the Tailed Beasts... Besides the issues of the plot, was there any particular reason that those two were captured, or just coincidence?
Blomquist chapter 27 . 8/6
Prediction Time!

1. Tiamat will have part of The Big Mom pirates, since you know mothers and children and all that.

2. Harribel is the strongest of the 3 sharks because of "segunda etapa" so you are bringing in Kisames Master with a Samehada so it can fuse and he gets stronger, either it fuses into the normal one, it fuses at the handle and it becomes dubbel bladed, he just have two Samehada now or one of the Samehadas fuse with him permantley.

3. The same thing with Jinbe but with Fisher Tiger. Jinbe learns some kind of secret and grows stronger through that.

4. Jim Hawkins, will somehow play a role. Because he is the one person Silver would drop everything for.

5. Flint? In all his splendor. 4 eyes and sharp teeth. Greatest Pirate in the Galaxy.

6. Ichimaru Gin is out there causing problem on purpose, he is teamed up with The Blind Bandit and a few others and they are just trying to play advanced pranks on the people around them.

7. Or he is with Rocinate, Severus Snape and X-Drake. Undercover for the good guys that will be hated. Guess Regulus could be there as well.
PantheonofNight chapter 1 . 8/6
Tailed Beasts are immortal, at the begining you said anything eternal couldn't be there? Just wondering how that works.
Leofire312 chapter 27 . 8/6
So far I’ve managed to spot Forever from Stardust Crusaders, Scar from The Lion King, and the Indominus Rex from Jurassic World.
Hewhoknows12 chapter 27 . 8/6
Nice selection characters for Cipacti's army, didn't expect to see Tock or as lover to him, I'm guessing her semblance is stronger? The Wendigo already gives me the creeps. Never heard of the Mishipeshu before but I like it. Jerome was only Strenritter I could see working for him. Sloth as well among the Homunculi. Isn't Camazotz also the God of Bats ? Poor tailed beasts always someone's slave. All and All great build chapter
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