Reviews for One little lie
Carolyn chapter 1 . 7/20/2019
Very good. I really enjoyed reading this one
WillowDryad chapter 1 . 7/8/2019
I enjoyed this. Poor Jess, and Slim felt so bad for what he did. Such a relief to see them back at the ranch and friends again. :D
Guest chapter 1 . 6/30/2019
The conclusion was most satisfying, as seeing these two, best pards at odds was quite excruciating! True friends always do find their way back to one another.
Daryl chapter 1 . 6/19/2019
Loved the story. Keep writing more.
Pat A Oconnell chapter 1 . 6/18/2019
I loved your story...It was very exciting. Thanks!
Sheiila chapter 1 . 6/15/2019
If this was your first story, you are off to a great start! The plot moved smoothly and characters were true (except for Slim's temporary lack of faith - and that's happened in other fanfic, so you're good)
Hope to see more stories with your name in the byline.
Divawannabe24 chapter 1 . 6/15/2019
Fantastic story. I Ike to read reviews first to see if people like a story and they loved yours. Like one review said, I could imagine everything happening to the guys. Hope to see more stories from you.
emoody515 chapter 1 . 6/14/2019
This is a great Laramie story. You write like a pro and not like this is a first story! Keep writing Saddletramp. I look forward to reading more great Laramie stories from you.
Kappa Girl chapter 1 . 6/13/2019
This was a very enjoyable story. So true to the Laramie canon. Poor Jess.. .always winding up in a mess and Slim usually getting duped by some dubious female. In the series, Jess had a seemingly limitless capacity for forgiveness and you captured that beautifully. I don't know if this was your first story but you are quite talented and I hope you make this your home from now on.
Pakyann chapter 1 . 6/12/2019
Great story, well written, true to Laramie canon. Is this your first Laramie story? If so, welcome! I hope you have more stories to post. Glad you changed your story to T.
Farmer Gail chapter 1 . 6/12/2019
What a great story. It was certainly hard to take what happened to Jess and how he was treated. But when a significant other comes into the picture good sense often goes by the wayside. You told a compelling story full of angst, sadness, friendship and forgiveness. It was a compelling story and I had to read it till the end. I always judge a story by how well I can visualize what’s being said with the characters of Laramie. And I can happily say I could Slim, Jess, Andy and Jonesy saying and doing everything in this story.
Looking forward to your next story.
Well done
Char chapter 1 . 6/11/2019
Great story. I can't believe Slim didn't trust Jess at all.
Sandra Botard chapter 1 . 6/11/2019
I enjoyed this story so much! Poor Jess! And poor Slim, although I wanted to throttle him. I knew it would end well, but I labored every minute until it did. Thanks for writing. Please write another soon!
guestjh chapter 1 . 6/10/2019
Greetings (again) I'd like to respectfully request that you re-post this story with a "T" rating. It is such an entertaining tale and I'm afraid many Laramie FF readers will miss it due to the "M" rating. In my humble opinion it does not deserve an "M" rating. It's hard to believe it has had many reads with so few reviews or comments. As I earlier remarked I feel it is well written and you are a talented writer. Whatever you decide...this is an extremely enjoyable Laramie story and thanks for sharing it. (hope you contribute again!)

JDPenelope chapter 1 . 6/12/2019
Thoroughly enjoyed your story. You did an excellent job with everyone's character and kept me on edge how this problem coukd be resolved! You are a very good writer...hope to see more stories from you!
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