Reviews for My Hero's Guide to Monster Girls
Guest chapter 2 . 7/23
Idea: Aoyama x a dragon. Dragons like treasure and both Aoyama and treasure are sparkly so it kind of makes sense to me.
Another idea: Tokoyami x a shoggoth. Shoggoths seem like something Tokoyami would be interested in.
Kmon13 chapter 1 . 6/8
Okay, I loved reading this and could only think this afterward...

Endeavor, you are going to learn a Mamono's wrath as soon as Nozomi finds you and makes you beg for an end that won't come and Chief God help you if she feels like being a matchmaker and decides to introduce you to a Baphomet, Dark Elf, or another Monster girl with a Sadistic streak and can ignore fire.

I could see Deku with a Lilim or one of the Succubus Variants maybe even a Succubus or Devil with a Dark Esquire Job skill offering extra training aside from All-might's and may deal with blood quirk using yandere. (If Deku ended up with a Vampire I could see Himeko Toka losing her crap someone else has access to his blood beside her!)

(Note: I've read the Monster Girl Encyclopedia World Guide - Side II Salvarision The fallen Knights of Lescatie which had skills like Dark knight, Dark Brave/Hero, Dark Strategist, Etc who are for members of the Extremist faction who follow Druella's and the Demon Lord will)

For All-might I could see the Forth Lilim approaching him in both forms flirting before she decides to let him know she aware of his wounds and that she admires him for training Deku comparing the young hero hopeful to the hero from her realm (Note: He goes by the name of El )

I could also see Minoru Mineta ending up with either an Arch Imp, Devil or Demon through a contract he mistakes for requesting a sidekick only to end up with a new wife.

But I hope to see this become a series in the future.
Mr. Druid chapter 1 . 4/7
Maybe Deku x Lilim?
Guest chapter 1 . 1/25
Imagine Izuku getting a Kikimora maid, that would be funny wouldn't it?
gunman chapter 1 . 12/15/2019
Really epyld be interesting to see Tio (the hot ogre girl) actually finding a strong Izuku to be a perfect 'mate'.
Nice start to this with Shoto and Nozomi.
Write on.
Onio Son of Goku chapter 1 . 10/30/2019
AAAAAHHHH! Work verified! I inspired a story! Good luck to ya, man!
mgefan100 chapter 1 . 7/6/2019
Pretty good stry

Shoto got himself guadian...and once she hears why he got that scar, our undead samurai will want to sever Endeavor's head!

Wouldn't it be funny if Bakugou crossed paths with a ellhound?

Lookig forard to ore and good luck!

See ya!
Kill Boss 98 REBORN chapter 1 . 6/7/2019
Alright my fellow readers and writers, we’ve got our first suggestion (through PM) for another pairing, Slight Spoiler: Izuku is up next.
Imperial warlord chapter 1 . 6/7/2019
Interesting story.