Reviews for Dragon Ball: Governed
Guest chapter 39 . 7/19
I literally hinted this whole thing in a day and it was worth it
Azii chapter 39 . 7/8
You said the old King Vegeta lied about meeting Beerus but what about the flashback that Vegeta had in canon where Beerus had King Vegeta kneeling and had his foot on his head and threatened to destroy half his planet because he was given the second softest pillow in the universe
Beloit chapter 38 . 6/22
I legit thought we would see Beerus since this was near the time he woke up around in canon.
The Rocha chapter 37 . 6/3
Operation Nuke Cold is a go. Repeat, Operation Nuke Cold is a go.
uchihaNaruto247 chapter 37 . 6/1
I was worried for taro for a moment thank goodness that planet has healing properties. I can’t wait till we go back to kakorot in the story
uchihaNaruto247 chapter 1 . 5/18
I posted a review for chapter 36 and it won’t pop up. But anyways in it I said that I found it wholesome he bardock is utilizing his second chance to cherish his mate as much as possible.
uchihaNaruto247 chapter 36 . 5/17
That was a wholesome moment in the end.
Amanny chapter 35 . 4/27
Gyumao has gotten so much stronger to the point he beaten up Kakarot who only hold back his power.
uchihaNaruto247 chapter 35 . 4/26
I really like that goal of his of his to be a free saiyan. He just wants to attain power and enjoy the thrill of a fight with no restrictions placed upon him.
Lord0 chapter 34 . 4/13
This *cough wheeze* is some good shit! Keep it up!
uchihaNaruto247 chapter 34 . 4/12
Aww man goku better start doing some crazy ass training because when Broly pops in the scene things will get heated fast .
Guest chapter 33 . 4/2
Absolutely loved this chapter! One of the most interesting dbz stories I have read so far. Please do not stop writing. It's sad when a good story like this one ends up on hiatus or, worse, discontinued. My sincerest thanks for the update.
uchihaNaruto247 chapter 33 . 3/31
I enjoy personal enjoy more kakarot scenes but, I appreciate the scenes from the other characters perspective
uchihaNaruto247 chapter 32 . 3/16
Can’t they be granted more than one wish anyways?
TombsieJnr chapter 32 . 3/16
All I can say is I love it and I can't wait to see Kakarot's reaction to when he may or may not be denied his wish
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