Reviews for Rendezvous
emilycare chapter 21 . 7/24
Wonderful! Uriel is my hero. Her falling in love with the movies was so good. It's such a natural thing to see the demons and angels grow closer. Heavenly indeed. And so excited that they will join the admins. Gabriel, Gabriel, when will you learn? Lucifer falling did not elevate you to take God's place. Thank you so much for this update. Love the world and all its changes. Wishing you well always!
emilycare chapter 20 . 5/1
How wonderful to get an update! Hope you are doing well. Poor Ligur! Heaven is not all it is chalked up to be. Love the bit about Gabriel's eyes. Beez' noticed. hee! Thanks so much for continuing on. Looking forward to more. *hugs*
emilycare chapter 19 . 12/11/2019
Hahahhahah! Is it terrible of me to be loving the existential despair here? It seems like the kind of blowing off steam and frustration that is needed to really make change happen.

You tell that Gabrial, Beez. And go to it with the wine & the telly Uriel.

Nice to see Az & C even for a moment. They are gonna have their hands full with all the meldowns above and below.

Love this story! Thanks so very much!
emilycare chapter 18 . 12/10/2019
Ligur! Loved that conversation with Uriel. And Gabriel in the war getting sidetracked by Beelzebub's hair and everything he then gets to miss for near an eternity.

Thank you for another great chapter! Hope you are doing welllooking forward to more as you may.
emilycare chapter 18 . 9/25/2019
Oh! Hastur and Ligur are so darned cute. Love seeing the mixing between the sides. That re-read of the prophecy is wonderful. Yup. Love the idea of God pulling a (6000 year) fast one on the denizens of heaven and hell to the benefit of poor Earth. Keep them busy and maybe offset some potential jealousy? I adore the incredible mess that heaven's records are in and how obsessed Dagon is with it. Such a good chuckle. Enjoyed all the repartee between angels and demons. Ligur and Uriel was priceless. I think heaven is really going to benefit from the exchange. Great chapter as always. Thank you!
emilycare chapter 17 . 9/20/2019
Yay! Just like the old days are back. You may just be on to something Sandolphon. Love the mountain as a trysting spot for Beez and Gabe. And the flashback to Gabriel after the war realizing that what happened next was not being dictated by God. Made me feel for the dude. Great job! So glad to see another chapter. Thank you!
emilycare chapter 16 . 8/31/2019
It's happening! The elevators go both ways now! This is so exciting. The continuing saga of war I heaven, and thenthe creation of Hell's bureaucracy in the backdrop is fantastic. Of course, Beelzebub was pissed. The description of zir fall was heart breaking. And Crowley giving Gabriel tips on how to woo zem was hilarious. I love seeing the Ineffable duo lecture everyone. Loving the story. Thank you, can't wait for more!
Guest chapter 15 . 8/21/2019
Holy sh’t this is amazing


emilycare chapter 15 . 8/21/2019
Wow! The Fall happened. *moment of silence* So Mom had to intervene in the war, huh? Makes sense. Civil wars can be protracted, and with so many bonds on either side. Sort of like making the kids sit in different parts of the car on a long car ride, maybe. Loved this chapter! It revealed a lot more. Good to get the Hell side of things more, too. Gabriel and Heaven are so sure of themselves. But there are so many ways to look at all of this. How heartbreaking watching Gabriel and Seraphiel fight. *crying* And Michael getting her wings torn to pieces. Could that have been Dagon she was fighting? Thanks for the great chapter. Looking forward to the next. Esp Beelzebub & Gabriel's conversation. (C'mon folks, get it together...)
emilycare chapter 14 . 8/14/2019
The storm is brewing. I'm so (sadly) excited for the flashbacks to the war in heaven. This chapter was very tantalizing. Beelzebub and Gabriel are not aligned, Michael's back (still recovering) from the rendezvous with Dagon, and it looks like we're on the precipice of big things happening. Really, I'm in favor of Aziraphale's suggestion! Cut to the chase people. But no, they all have to bend themselves inside out to make reality fit their desires. Hearts desires really do make the ways of the world ineffable. Enjoying it all. Thank you for another great chapter! Hopefully the world (and Aziraphale's lunch!) will make it through the next one.
emilycare chapter 13 . 8/10/2019
Beelzebub, you big softie! I love the ze had no interest in the love, but all the interest in Gabriel. Snuggling in the theater? Crowley is right. They are fraternizing like nobody's business. They are do cute together. And I love Gabriel's take. It makes so much sense! And so lovely and delightfully absurd for him to read that into this film. So happy A&C had a fun Honeymoon. Those seats really deserve it. And how adorable to watch them spying on another demon/angel pairing so obviously falling in love, too. But speaking of love (or lust?) what did Dragon do wuth Michael?! My imagination is going all over the place. Thanks for another great chapter. Looking forward to your take on the great civil war in flashback, seems close now. And to seeing all the fallout from these entanglements. Thank you!
emilycare chapter 12 . 8/5/2019
So much fraternizing. This is really spreading! Angels and demons really do make good teams. And how absolutely perfect that The Sound of Music is becoming a key for Gabriel. Cannot wait to see what Beelzebub makes of it. The flashback was sweet and sad. The faceless bureaucracy of heaven is so impersonal, and the whole deal of worshipping God for all of eternity-of course the angels rebelled. But instead of Dominion over the world, they ended up being agents of torture. It all seems like a bit of a raw deal all around. Love that AziraphaleCrowley's finding one another is breaking all this isolation and repression that so many other angels and demons have been living under. Hope you had a nice break! Thanks for getting back to this so quickly. Can't wait for more.
emilycare chapter 11 . 7/31/2019
So much good stuff in this chapter. Love Michael's reflections on Dragon. And Crowley and Aziraphale researching together. Angels and demons do make amazing teams! Funny that, huh? But my absolute favorite moment is Gabriel scrutinizing The Sound of Music. So good! You never know where some ineffable wisdom might just turn up. And the bit about Beelzebub's mood made me laugh. Great job! Thank you and hope you keep going.
emilycare chapter 10 . 7/28/2019
Finally got a chance to read your latest. Gabriel all glued to looking at the pix of him and Beelzebub. Broke my heart when Michael said S was dead. So harsh! Great Aziraphale and Crowley interlude (I want them to get a beach honeymoon, too!) And I like the difference between the lectures in heaven b hell. Looking forward to more when you get back from vacation. Thanks so much!
emilycare chapter 9 . 7/22/2019
Hahahaha! Everyone is colliding together now. Almost literally! Love Crowley crashing their party. And the flashback this time... Kind of heart breaking. The line about Lucifer gave such a poignant contrast to what Gabriel had said. Yummy! Can't wait to see how Aziraphale reacts to this all. Thank you so much, and hope you have fun writing more. Can't wait to read!
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