Reviews for Riverdale Fun and Games
zmanjz chapter 1 . 6/29/2019
So... you're say'n there's no Liv Tyler-esque elves with huge soulful eyes and pouty lips?

Oh! Riverdale. whoops.
Wrong series.
Corneliusduke chapter 1 . 6/28/2019
Interesting to say the least. I always thought that at least for the comic books that Valerie would have been they're choice for Archie out of high School because he wouldn't be able to chose either Veronica or Better as not to hurt either one. Interesting that Sabrina (a witch) is his cousin, maybe he's a wizard (that would him being such a klutz) and didn't know it It would be interesting to see what school (magical college from Harry Potter) That very interesting American school Ilvermorny School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, what do you think?