Reviews for Keeping you, I let it go
MommaGrey4113 chapter 17 . 6/14
Dear Lord, PLEASE keep writing this story! I love the changes you've made to some of the characters, I love the drama... I just love the whole story and can't wait to read more!

I'm begging here,
TrackADELE chapter 17 . 6/4
Florcc Hey, chapter 18 is the chapter 17 now since I have edited the first two chapters and made 'em into one.
Florcc chapter 17 . 6/4
I can't see the chapter 18 :(
LiannyW chapter 18 . 6/1
Thanks for the update. Hope Christian can watch his behavior from the apartment video system. Might shock him. Looking forward to next update.
fundays chapter 18 . 6/1
Thanks for the update.
vnss chapter 17 . 5/7
thanks for the update! looking forward to read more from this story.. i'll re read it once again so i could catch up with the updates!
Raewyn Katene chapter 17 . 5/7
Unfinished story
Munkeyfump20 chapter 17 . 5/7
Wow thanks for the very good read as always. I can't wait for the next chapters. Please keep them coming. I believe its a bit of every thing
Margaret Talai chapter 17 . 5/6
fundays chapter 17 . 5/6
Thanks for the update.
Ms MMS chapter 16 . 4/6
Great chapter, Carrick seems to be quite the piece of work. Nowhere to be found when Christian was growing up and being abused and now he wants to act like a father telling Christian what to do,

And not much of a background check if it didn’t turn up that Ana hand been best friends in childhood for years. Seems the gold digger comment is harsh when she’s taking over her father’s company, she did t ask to be his daughter or ask to take over the company. I really dislike this Carrick.

Please update soon, were really getting into the meaty stuff now. By the way, Kate is acting like a bit of a bitch too. Ana really has an uphill battle ahead of her.
LiannyW chapter 16 . 4/4
Thanks for another update. Can not wait to see what happens next. Please continue.
fundays chapter 16 . 4/3
Thanks for the update.
Leihei chapter 16 . 3/11
I love this story! Please update soon
Anne Shirley Blythe chapter 16 . 3/10
Crumpled, indeed... glad to know that there will be a HEA... as heart hurts for both your Ana and Christian
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