Reviews for Who I Am
go-sullivan chapter 13 . 9/3/2019
I was so happy to see an update! I loved Audrey and Ben’s talk. And the vision Audrey had. She’s going to look dope af in the armor. Then there’s the Willo the wisps leading her to the wood carver Enchantress. And her vision quest to find her true name. Loved all of it.
go-sullivan chapter 12 . 8/23/2019
This is great! I love the idea! All your fics are amazing.
MissLynn11 chapter 11 . 8/17/2019
I love this version of Audrey. Looking forward to reading more!
Grace chapter 10 . 8/6/2019
Wow. Ok. That ending was unexpected. But I like what you’re doing with this. I think it’s a really interesting story, with a very different plot line. Keep it up!
Guest chapter 1 . 7/30/2019


Awkward moment 18 chapter 9 . 7/30/2019
so good I really love this fanfiction
Evan Roberts chapter 1 . 7/22/2019
I have my own theory, Queen Leah in spoilers asked for Hades help to help her granddaughter, and when Aurodon and the Isle started peacefully coexisting she is dancing with Hades, she might have had a past with him and maybe she was originally Persephone, Hades Ex-Wife. And what if she was like Catelyn Stark, she didn’t just hate Mal for being Maleficent’s daughter, but for being Hades’ daughter as well, although she might be torn by pity that Maleficent wasn’t a good mother to Mal but it still didn’t help change things for the better, like Catelyn pitied Jon for not having a mother but she was compelled to hate him for being Ned’s illegitimate son.
DeafAngel2000 chapter 6 . 7/22/2019
Audrey is an Enchantress! I call it! Enchantresses are just as high up in the magic as Fairies, and a tad bit more powerful, just ask King Adam himself.

So Mor'du being a vengeful bear that needed her to turn him human again is an interesting plot!
Grace chapter 6 . 7/21/2019
I like the magic club idea. But I’m not too keen on Audrey rejecting Mal’s help. They might not be friends, but if Mal really wants to help, Audrey could at least hear what she has to say, right? Also, this bear & the vision Audrey had, what does it mean I wonder? Will the bear find Audrey & try to rid her of her powers for his own gain? Will he be successful? Or will the kids at Auradon Prep fight him to keep Audrey safe?
Guest chapter 5 . 7/19/2019
If you read Serena Valentino, I think I really know what’s going on since Audrey becomes like Maleficent, she might lash out at her mother and grandmother like Loki did, and it gets worse when Mal gets engaged to Ben and are each other’s true love. That works for Audrey becoming an antagonist.
Grace chapter 5 . 7/18/2019
Omg! I wonder what will happen next. Will the fairies find out about Audrey’s magic at the spa day in Sherwood? Will she eventually let Mal help her? Update soon as you can please!
Grace chapter 4 . 7/12/2019
So Mal is about to find out, I assume? Omgoodness, it’s all so exciting! Not to mention, Audrey can fluently read Forgotten Latin! I am so suckered. I want to know why it seems she now possesses magical qualities. What did Jane’s spell give her? & was whatever spell she was under before- did that give her the magical qualities, however dormant they were?
Grace chapter 3 . 7/5/2019
I want to know what spell Audrey is under. I wonder if Mal will be allowed into the secret? Update as soon as you can. I’m on pins & needles!
Grace chapter 2 . 7/2/2019
Well I certainly hope nothing bad happens to her. I am thoroughly suckered into this! Update soon, if you can, please!