Reviews for Divorced Hermione
sunshine.manya chapter 5 . 7/10
OMG I loved the texting/flirting between Draco and Hermione.
Guest chapter 1 . 3/25
Sometimes, it's better if adults divorce, is it not?
Other times, it's worse if adults divorce, is it not?
Sorceress of Magic chapter 15 . 2/3
That was such a good story! So many ups and downs and ending happy :)
xxKLxx chapter 1 . 2/2
Starlite22, thanks for your reviews. You've definitely picked up on a couple of plot issues that I have now rectified.
The hysterectomy was an oversight which has now been removed. Still complications however pregnancy is not impossible. I completely understand how ivf works and that you need reproductive organs to have an embryo implanted. So I gave hermione back her chance.
Neville didn't give up his clubs. It's safe to assume that he appointed a manager once the club got off the ground. Also, Draco was head over heels with Hermione, he would have easily givrn up everything to be with her. I do agree though, the final chapter was incredibly rushed. This story had just reached its potential and I didn't have anything left to give it.
starlite22 chapter 2 . 1/20
Thought so, you definitely said she had a
“Due to complications, Hermione had to undergo a full hysterectomy, which meant that she and Ron would be parents to twins, Rose and Hugo only, with no chance for the large family that Ron had always wanted.”
IVF is not not going to work, as she can’t carry a child, if she wants one she’d have to go with a surrogate.
starlite22 chapter 15 . 1/20
This chapter seemed, rushed and over night Neville gave up his nigh clubs, and Draco wound up his business, that bit needed more time and depth as it seemed a plot change put in last minute.
starlite22 chapter 14 . 1/20
I need to reread this, as i thought she had a hysterectomy, so couldn’t have kids?
starlite22 chapter 13 . 1/20
Disappointed Vivian should have dumped the horrible selfish T try on, he should have ended up alone.
starlite22 chapter 12 . 1/20
This is a wAste is a chapter, why not add them to the next one? That’s
starlite22 chapter 6 . 1/20
Draco is being nice, and caring. Hermione needs to start asking him questions about him, his wife, does he have other kids, before the one that does. Is he not bothered about having an heir?
starlite22 chapter 1 . 1/20
Great start, but as she’s British she wouldn’t have cents, as thats not a British or Wizarding currency.
HelenPotter91 chapter 15 . 1/10
This was so good! Thank you for writing it!
Guest chapter 15 . 8/11/2019
Nickole A Labrant chapter 15 . 8/9/2019
So want a squeal! I wanna know what happens with Dramione!
DifficultyWriting chapter 1 . 8/8/2019
yo, a 4 bedroom 2 story house, especially in the UK where space is expensive, aint modest .
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