Reviews for Amaris
Mdelcsw70 chapter 4 . 7/7
Love this story, please continue to update!
hiMe-iChi-uLqUi-gRim chapter 4 . 6/2
I’m glad you updated this fic! Welcome back.
I enjoyed reading this new chapter, it explains some of Ichigo’s past.
It would be nice for Orihime to call him Ichigo now for them to have a stronger bond.
I think Orihime have something to do with what happened to Karakura Town.
Looking forward to the next installment!
foxfang27 chapter 4 . 5/30
I was so so so excited and happy to see this update in my inbox! Yay! Welcome back and I hope you’re doing well! Can’t wait to ready more! :D
NazRif99 chapter 4 . 5/30
I'm so glad you update this ff. I'm waiting so long haha.
I hope the next chapter very soon
Guest chapter 3 . 9/17/2019
daianapotter chapter 2 . 8/16/2019
Está genial que hayas puesto el punto de vista de Ichigo. Pobre hime tuvo que ver morir a sora ( por suerte pudo salvarse de un destino peor que la muerte e Ichigo va a cuidarla )

Aunque eso de que no la pueda tocar es triste ( pero seguro habrá alguna forma de que pueda hacerlo )
daianapotter chapter 1 . 8/16/2019
Me ha gustado mucho la historia

Me parece una historia muy interesante ya que Ichigo está en su forma de mugetsu. Me gusto como ayudó a hime a encontrar el camino de vuelta a casa y como acepto la proposición de sora para quedarse con ella y que la cuidara.
hiMe-iChi-uLqUi-gRim chapter 3 . 8/13/2019
I enjoyed reading this ch. Amaris and Rukia’s friendship is also nice. I couldn’t wait to know what Isshin is up to :D I like his personality too. Thanks for the update!
ADead'lyman chapter 2 . 7/14/2019
This chapter was even better than the last one in some ways. In this chapter where you described the small stream inside the cave you used both small and little together, if you could correct it, it would be better. Waiting for the next chapter and to know why Ichigo is like this?
ADead'lyman chapter 1 . 7/14/2019
I have got to say that this chapter is very good. The mystery and suspence makes it very intriguing. And the choice of characters are also good. Looking forward to the next chapter.
hiMe-iChi-uLqUi-gRim chapter 2 . 7/13/2019
Beautiful ch! I love the way you write them both to be closer to each other. Though they can’t touch, I’m glad their together. Im hoping they’ll find a way to be able to feel each other’s touch, but that can wait hehe.. thank you for the long chapter and update! I can’t wait for what’s gonna happen next!
hiMe-iChi-uLqUi-gRim chapter 1 . 7/7/2019
Interesting. I would like to read more!
Saint Sita chapter 1 . 7/4/2019
Can't wait to read more
Guest chapter 1 . 7/4/2019
I enjoyed reading the first chapter. I am looking forward to the next chapter.