Reviews for Ominous
LizzieLyn chapter 2 . 6/24
This was great. I love Zoro's take on the whole thing. It'd be really interesting to see when they meet and how it's different from canon. Does Luffy have any powers from being a vampire (super speed or flight or something?) and how does that affect the Morgan confrontation? It would also be cool to see when they meet Sanji and he's his typical self. How does Luffy react to that? How close does Zoro come to killing Sanji for disrespecting his captain? Just some thoughts, but I love what you already have.
JadaLiburd chapter 2 . 5/16
God's I love Luffy like this. I hope you write more Lawlu too!
sarge1130 chapter 2 . 8/14/2019
I love dark fem Luffy :D. I was like ‘go girl!’ when she put those idiots into their rightful place. Also, I love how Zoro and Nami reacted on their captain’s actions. Yes, I agree with Zoro’s views. There should be no gender issues regarding leadership. A man doesn’t lost his ego when a woman is in command.
Nami here doesn’t feel concerned when Luffy caused destruction in a bar unlike the same scenario in OP. We are talking about Luffy’s dignity here and no one should badmouthed about it.
Hope to read more :D.
I hope you’re doing fine. Hoping for your speedy recovery
sarge1130 chapter 1 . 8/14/2019
Oohhh! I love the concept :D. I love it how Luffy jumps into Law while Law is still being guarded or conscious. Like, it was Luffy who chooses Law to be hers. So this is how Luffy seals her alliance with Law (lol).
Poor Usopp (lol). Gotta thank Robin’s morbid thoughts for that :).
amelia131 chapter 2 . 8/2/2019
this is amazing ! I really like your concept !
Mythelfa chapter 2 . 7/25/2019
Just one thing to say, it's really funny, this Luffy's craziness is amazing, a little mean and innocent/naive in the same time, I laugh a lot.

But I don't understand if the Ds inner demon is a secret for the general population or not.

Also if the Ds are a little territorial like it's appeared to me, it could be interesting, to see some sort of meeting between a lot of Ds and how they interact with each other, and how "normal" people see the view, especially if some aren't aware of the vampire thing. But it's just a thought.

I would love to read any one shot that you could wright in this Ds are vampiresthing, so good luck for your muse!
Vergil Leonidas chapter 2 . 7/21/2019
First of all, I've read the announcement on your profile and I hope you're better now. Also, if you want to talk about anything I'm available (or at least as available as FanFiction PM allows me to be) so yeah. There's that.
Now this chapter was absolutely amazing. Bloody Mary was bloody great and I got a chuckle out of it. Just seemed so fitting, especially after that "fight". I understand why Luffy didn't fight Bellamy in canon, but this was just so satisfying to read and this Luffy even left him for last. So good.

I like the dark tone off this chapter and the song was very fitting. I'm not sure if that's based on actual song since the one in my country is dubbed as Ten angry pirates, (though I could just Google it) but I like it.
Maybe I would have liked the chapter even more if the fight scene was complete, even as one-sided as it obviously was. But that's just a minor flaw that's purely a flaw because I like reading action scenes.
Vergil Leonidas chapter 1 . 7/21/2019
I knew I shouldn't click this one. But I did...
Now I'm likely going down the rabbit hole of genderbent characters. Something I never really read before. I don't know, I never really saw appeal in them.
Well, my discovery that these can be good as well aside.

This chapter was a fairly pleasant mix of intrigue (inner demon and well, I love that kind of idea) humor and a bit of an interesting way to open the chapter. Yeah, I certainly didn't expect that opening.
Now, I unfortunately don't really have much else to say. I mean it is a fairly basic straightforward chapter, which isn't bad, it just means I don't really have anything more to offer in a review.
LikeAPro42 chapter 2 . 7/14/2019
When we cut to the “three little pirates” part of the fight, I immediately went “WHAT THE FUCK!” Enjoyable one-shot for an enjoyable idea. Please post another one!
Fencer22 chapter 2 . 7/14/2019
Like the concept, seems fun. Not loving the jumping round the timeline aspect. Granted there are whole arcs of canon I would be inclined to skip reading or writing but the lack of timeline makes me feel less invested. Sticking around regardless though!
Altiria-Aty chapter 2 . 7/11/2019
wow... dayummm lol I love her
6thgun chapter 1 . 7/10/2019
oooh I like this take on the D lore, I want moooooore ! especially lawlu :D
GG157 chapter 2 . 7/8/2019
Loving the simplistic dark twist on Luffy, so many fics just throw in so much anst that it becomes unbearable! Keep it up!
proudsmile chapter 1 . 7/8/2019
Ohhh, that song about the Ten Little Pirates remind me of Then they were None book originally written by Agatha Christie. It was a good change to read dark!Luffy, it remind me of the Boy with a Scar except fem!Luffy isn’t traumatized or anything similar.

Like always your writing is light and left me satisfied. I’m waiting for the Drabble when Luffy trashes Arlong’s ass, drinks his blood only to declare that it was really fishy.

Good read!
James1996 chapter 2 . 7/8/2019
Great so far, I look forward to reading more in the future.
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