Reviews for A Street Rat's Worth
KathyMesser chapter 15 . 8/6
I love this story. You write wonderfully. I would love to read a story where Razoul gets put in his place by Aladdin.
Guest chapter 15 . 6/19
This was great! I didn't feel like the quality declined at all either :)
LittleKitten02 chapter 15 . 4/13
I absolutely loved this story! I’ve read all of your Aladdin fics in a span of like one day. I’m in that Aladdin craze you were talking about in your authors note. I’m so glad you plan on making more! Take as much time as you need on that, Ik how hard it is to find the inspiration to bring your ideas to life. Anyways, thank you for blessing us with your many stories and stay safe during this time! 3
Guest chapter 15 . 4/6
Thanks for another great fic! I’ve loved your MacGyver stories, I loved this one, and I’m already giddy with excitement at the thought that you’ll write for Prodigal Son next (I’m currently obsessed with that show). Stay safe, and thanks again :)
LoveShipper chapter 15 . 4/7
I am thrilled that Genie and Daliah are having a baby and Aladdin is thriving from his survival from his ordeal
BooksAreMedicine chapter 14 . 2/28
Dalia was amazing here
LoveShipper chapter 14 . 2/28
I am sorry Fahad lost his wife and child and didn’t get justice but trying to kill Aladdin isn’t the way to get it
LoveShipper chapter 13 . 2/8
Fingers and toes crossed that the antidote works. Poor Aladdin, he is in a never ending nightmare
JellyBean chapter 12 . 1/6
Nooo a cliffhanger! I love this story! Definitely continue!
Guest chapter 12 . 1/6
Love it! The characterization is brilliant. Five out of five.
Telaine9112 chapter 5 . 1/6
LoveShipper chapter 12 . 1/5
Yeah Jasmine has the antidote to save her husband. Hopefully it works
Guest chapter 1 . 12/21/2019
This is soooooo good! Very well written! I can’t wait for chap 12 to be out!
Guest chapter 11 . 11/19/2019
Ack! Please update- the suspense is killing me lol
Uia chapter 11 . 11/11/2019
poor Genie...keep going
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