Reviews for in your heartbeat is my home
oxRosiexo chapter 1 . 8/2/2019
Cute story, loved it.
tank03 chapter 1 . 7/25/2019
This was outstanding; the last paragraph was some of the most touching and moving fanfiction I've ever read- well done! I think it was sincere enough that it didn't come off as overly cheesy, but even if it did, it was well written and just the kind of thing I think we needed after the heartbreak of the S3 conclusion. Thanks for sharing.
phieillydinyia chapter 1 . 7/16/2019
Oh god I think my Mileven heart just broke
Too beautiful
Guest chapter 1 . 7/15/2019
Okay, the ending was like super cheesy... but we kinda needed that, right? I mean the way s3 ended it is nice reading something else then funerals and lost childhood themed.
Also, really like how well you captured them all, both Mike and El (they are so adorable) and especially the nightmare in the cabin with Brenner- goodness, it felt like right out the show! His choice of words and even voice (ist it amazing how scary he always was while actually not doing much then talking with that calm voice? Better then the goo-monster from s2) it is truly nightmarish. Which brings back the question... is he alive or not? We can all agree on that Hopper survived as seen in the last scene, but what if Brenner is alive too? Well, season 4 has a lot to do.
luciegx chapter 1 . 7/12/2019
It was so cute awwww
disneyprincess315 chapter 1 . 7/11/2019
Ahhhhhhh, I’m a sucker for heartbeats, I don’t care that it’s cheesy! That was fantastic, thank you for sharing
AwkwardSpot chapter 1 . 7/11/2019
THE cutest thing ever