Reviews for Rainfall
usagifuyusummer chapter 7 . 6/2
I read this back on AO3. I've already expressed what I felt there mostly lol. This was a hell of a story. Interesting plotline too. Surprised me with the time rift and different realities reveal. Hella stressful to read too, but in an exciting way. Like stressing out cause you don't really know what's going to happen. You're a good writer. Hope that your skills improve also.
Shu Ouma GC chapter 7 . 5/10
Here after FF7 remake my poor heart can’t handle this
jujihanji chapter 7 . 5/8
so, hopefully they went to rescue zack, would hate to end it here. oh, save cloud too i guess, why not
Tyr4de chapter 7 . 4/20
bruh moment
RedHood001 chapter 7 . 4/15
Two things:

1. This story is summarized in one word... MAGNIFICENT! MAGNIFICENT! MAGNIFICENT! MAG-NIFICENT!

2. But BY GOD THE CLIFFHANGERS! The amount of heart attacks or heart dropping moment in one chapter ALONE could give me gray hairs. And I'm TWENTY YEARS OLD! XD

Oooooooh, this is so good. Do not mistake me, these are all praises. The way you've built up the story is incredible. The writing is perfectly balanced, just the right amount for each scene. And the characters are all BEAUTIFULLY WRITTEN!

You're a brilliant and talented writer!

The relationships between the characters (Aerith, Zack, Cloud, etc) are just perfect. You've captured their characters perfectly. The interactions are honestly the best. I keep getting engaged with every word as if I was there.

Your transitions are on point. Really, the only thing that is giving me such anxiety is the way you effortlessly managed to throw a curve ball every time. The twists in this story are amazing and so perfectly timed.

The way you leave the timeline vague so we could piece the puzzle ourselves honestly works in your favor. It keeps us immersed within the story.


I apologize if I've only just now written a review. I have so many tabs opened for other fanfics that I'm eagerly trying to read because of the hype of the remake.

The zerith feels is strong within me. And Cloti as well. Again, you managed to give these characters the perfect blend of time to interact and everything.

I'm actually freaked out that I'm NOT freaking out! XD

The way you managed to essentially redeem Sephiroth is honestly such a triumphant moment, even if it came at a price. Because I've always wondered of what-if in regards to his character. Before he went mad, I honestly think he was a relatively decent person in a way. From Crisis Core, definitely.


I look forward to your next updates. I've even started to read your other new Naruto story and I have to thank you for bringing back into the anime world. I've rarely gone to the anime section of fanfics lately, excluding a select few which I often reread over and over from time to time.

I hope you're having a wonderful day! As wonderful as it can be in these trying times! Stay safe, wherever you are!

A new fan :D
921350 chapter 7 . 2/15
I don't know when you'll update again but I hope in this alternate life Zack actually survives and not die like the original Zack. Like literally die the same way as original Zack since Hojo was at the end of this chapter. So far it seems like this story is following the original so again, I hope Zack survives and give Aerith a boy! Everytime I watch advent children, the ending when they both fade into the white background always gets me. Please continue the next chapter! This story needs more reviews. If you don't finish, I guess I'll take your other story Angel in the Glass as the ending of this story lol since Zack was saved from past Aerith.
921350 chapter 6 . 2/15
...I dont even know what to say...
921350 chapter 5 . 2/15
I don't know if I could trust the last part...I hope he lives!
921350 chapter 2 . 2/15
Lol I didn't see the last part coming. I honestly thought she was going to do something like magic other than propose but I love it! I hope he stays. Cant wait to read the next chapter right now!
921350 chapter 1 . 2/15
Loved it! Definitely had tears in my eyes. I can't wait to read the next chapter and everything about this chapter fell into place. Keep it up!
BlackSnow chapter 7 . 12/18/2019
pls continue this story. i rly love it. (U)
Frankokomando chapter 7 . 12/12/2019
I really, really enjoy reading this! I am a bit sad Sephiroth couldn't be saved. I know Vincent is all moody and stuff, but he could've hung around for like 5 minutes and helped the injured people escape the reactor lol
Astrido chapter 7 . 12/12/2019
this chapter was really confusing with all the time jumps. and who has wounds and who not
anyway, good luck.
Frankokomando chapter 3 . 12/4/2019
I haven't read all the chapters yet, but I wanted to leave a review anyways and say that I freaking love this story and I can't wait to read the other chapters
dragonlovewater chapter 7 . 11/5/2019
I'm crying, its beautiful. 10/10
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