Reviews for The Black Arrow - A Tale of the Two Kingdoms
Harry Potter Fan 1994 chapter 36 . 10/12
Aha. So it comes to a head. At least it can only get better from here, right? Okay, you know I enjoy suffering but that's only because it feels that much better when there's a happy ending!

Genuinely thought you were going to hang Evie for a second. That would've floored me. I wouldn't have guessed that in a million years lol.

I don't really blame Dizzy. Seems like there's a lot of work in the mines for a normal person to handle, let alone a pregnant woman. Does Aziz know she's pregnant? He didn't mention it in his speech so I was wondering if he'll be surprised when he sees her.

I found the use of "troglodyte" very funny. Haven't seen that in a while!
SparkyGurly227 chapter 36 . 10/3
Poor Mal. My heart absolutely breaks for her. But yay, Ben's on his way! Great chapter. Amazing work
AvatarUzumaki chapter 36 . 10/3
poor mal but non of this would be happening if she just left with Ben when he asked her to
CarVie16 chapter 36 . 10/3
I'd be lying if I said I didn't almost swear when Dizzy tattled (that's how angry I was at that moment). I get she had a justifiable reason and I expected this escape plan to fail... but the "how" it failed shocked me.

The whole thing with Uma's plan is definitely rage-inducing. I'm not at pitch fork level of anger yet, but I'm always on guard with this story and helps me get it together (a little bit).

(REPLY to your "I hope you're doing okay and keeping safe" message: I didn't review the previous chapter because I didn't have anything to say, to be honest; as I said, I expected this escape plan to fail, but I didn't think it necessary to say that in a review)
fresh-BLOOD-was-drawn-2night chapter 36 . 10/3
Well I didn’t expect that to happen. I understand dizzy is scared for her baby, but I feel Mal was her salvation as why would you trust the guards that have been keeping you their. How do you know that they won’t just go back on their deal. Poor Mal, I really hope her and Evie can get out soon.
AmethystDragon14 chapter 36 . 10/2
Xez...why do you keep breaking my heart? But I DO appreciate the small Bal reference so thank you for that. :D
So now I'm guessing that Ben will come recuse Mal but she won't want to speak to him and won't believe that he's come for HER?
Can't wait for the next chapter! :D
Harry Potter Fan 1994 chapter 35 . 10/1
I like the plan - they're going to show Mal that Ben betrayed her and trick Ben into thinking Mal betrayed him. I'm looking forward to that confrontation! I enjoy pain, in case you didn't know.

I am going to give you a point in Guess The Plot because I did not guess this plot of Uma and Gaston's!
Harry Potter Fan 1994 chapter 34 . 10/1
The bright side of waiting for results and not going to work means I have time to review!

We knew Claudette was going to pass. I don't mind that you killed her off screen! I perhaps would have liked to see more of Ben's grief, but I think you hit the main points - that he regrets abandoning her. I also like how the news was delivered, though I might have used "dead" instead of "gone" because with her delirium she could've just walked off and disappeared.
SparkyGurly227 chapter 35 . 9/26
Ugh Uma. But yay, Evie! Her presence always makes me smile (though I feel so sorry for her. Her circumstances are awful). I also don't know if I'm hoping Mal escapes first or if Ben rescues her first. Either way, I really hope that they forgive each other for what is to come. Amazing work :D
fresh-BLOOD-was-drawn-2night chapter 35 . 9/26
That was a good chapter. I’m happy that Mal has Evie and dizzy, hopefully she can leave with them.
AmethystDragon14 chapter 35 . 9/26
(Sighs fondly) I'll wait :)
I thought it would be Evie.
Why do I get the feeling that Ben will turn up to recuse Mal just as she gets HERSELF out so she won't be there when he tries to get her?
Stay safe! :D
Can't wait for the next chapter! :D
CarVie16 chapter 34 . 9/19
This is a bad (or good) idea, Ben. Time will tell which.

Claudette passed away? This is just getting sadder.
fresh-BLOOD-was-drawn-2night chapter 34 . 9/19
I’m happy with shorter chapters if it means quicker updates. I hope the moor people help and they can free all those people. Also hopefully the prisoners will join the black arrow and that should be the start of a small army. I’m hoping we can trust chad. It’s beginning to look like he realised his actions has consequences now.
WanderlustandFreedom chapter 34 . 9/19
SparkyGurly227 chapter 34 . 9/19
This was so good! I'm so glad that Ben's reinstating the Black Arrow and that Chad is redeeming himself a little more with every chapter. Poor Ben, thoughlosing Claudette will have been so hard. Fantastic work, though. Absolutely amazing. :D
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