Reviews for Saint of Letzenbourg
Legion of Clouds chapter 35 . 7/11
The sentence
'There was only one punishment or a soldier who committed treason in wartime.'
should be changed to
'There was only one punishment for a soldier who committed treason in wartime.'

Anyways, good job and thank you for the chapter.
loligang chapter 35 . 7/10
I'd still like to see some budding romance
7thManiac chapter 35 . 7/10
Oh Tanya, there's a reason most people don't trust spooks. She's naive in her own way I suppose, too much trust in logic and authority. They've done awful things for what they think is the greater good. And it takes a kind of person to do those jobs. Still, I wouldn't feel so confidant if I was Canaris. Desperate animals, and what are humans if not animals, are the most dangerous.

Besides, the war's not over yet. Say what you want about the French (and the not-French here) but let's not forget about the Free French. Or the allied Free forces fighting in exile. They were noted to be some of the fiercest allied forces for a reason in WW2. Fighting for your lost home with literally nothing to go back to, nothing to lose? That's a hell of an enemy.
ErisFootWorshipper chapter 34 . 6/9
I ship em, even though I know it's a ship made of plastic, with enough hope it may sail for a few minutes.
God of war88 chapter 34 . 5/25
I love your story but I don't think a romance between the two is a good idea as Tanya would not be into it
7thManiac chapter 33 . 5/8
This great, gripping. Binged it all in one go.
zorani chapter 33 . 5/6
Still reading, still liking, i tried Redux mod a while ago, it seems to have been updated since then, might give it another shot!

As for writing romance, you wont get better unless you try.
Also, aww, bitter ending? :Cries:
loligang chapter 32 . 4/14
will we see romance
N2 chapter 30 . 3/29
Please continue.
eSemmel chapter 30 . 3/11
I binged this story.

Thoughts: It's great! Best Youjo Senki fic I've read so far. Could do with leaving the stations of canon in the future, but operation revolving door is a big enough thing to persist the butterflies.

I love the prince as the perfect foil for Tanya. Too many fanfic authors try to fix a story and create boring one-way-roads to victory. This one's an OC that actually makes sense to be included, is just as flawed as the canon cast and doesn't feel superfluous. And the misunderstandings! So many three-way misunderstandings! It's wonderful.

Canaris... I hope he won't have much longer.

Kinda wondering what Tanya's desperate plea to end the war while they still can is going to come to at the end of this op. Will will probably be pretty conflicted if or when he hears about it. The fireworks if he actively works against her. Oh my...

Being X is kind of a dick for not clarifying his task for Will though. And by kind of a dick I mean undeserving of any one of the faithful souls he got out of it.
loligang chapter 1 . 3/9
i love will x tanyas interactions. hope we get many more
loligang chapter 12 . 2/20
wil there be tiny hints of romance in this
loligang chapter 1 . 2/20
i like it,don't listen to the criticism they clearly only read the. book and didn't watch the anime
zorani chapter 27 . 1/21
Hi! this is an awesome fanfiction, cant wait for next update!

A question: Neither Tanya or Wilhelm read Ludwigs letter, only the title of it correct?

And about regent... Sure, Wilhelm is too young to be crowned... but is there any rules stating how old the regent have to be? its the quick way to the rear lines for Tanya and will further spark the rumors of them liking each other... While to them it might seem like a way to have a sway over each other.. plus it seems the kind of loophole that both of them love to use!
victoriakay chapter 25 . 12/21/2019
The scene with Ludwig was very well done, I could connect enough with him to feel bad about his death. I'm interested to see how adding the original character affects Tanya in the later story arcs and how that alters her trajectory. My main piece of feedback (and you might already be planning this) would be to some extent, the OC should be 'justified' in the story, so after you have set him up and we know what he is like, dropping some hints as to how his presence changes the outcome for Tanya will help keep things interesting. Obviously you are somewhat constrained by keeping along with canon, but there are certainly ways her character could be affected without changing the salient events of the story. Just my take on it, I enjoy your writing so will read either way :)

Personal opinion, I think you're still fine with the T rating, I've seen much worse pushed past under it.
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