Reviews for Byleth: Peculiar Professor
yiggdrasill chapter 11 . 6/29
Ive been reading your stuff for days now and while im not really a fan of one-shots and bits and pieces like you write they are typically just so well written and take several different angles that im enjoying them so much
TechnicalJoker chapter 11 . 5/4
This is a very interesting take on Byleths character. I hope you continue.
Joe chapter 7 . 4/30
Would you say part of the reason Mercedes is so patient is because Byleth is similar to Jeritza?
Just a fan of fics chapter 11 . 4/14
I really love this so much Byleth just not understanding how emotions work is as funny as it is sad, good thing he has Marshmallow to help him out,
Akashi1412 chapter 11 . 4/3
Probably the most entertaining read that I have this week
Guest chapter 11 . 3/9
I'm reminded of a RWBY fic I read some time ago, starring an autistic Jaune in a peaceful AU. The writing was fine, but my biggest problem with it was how Jaune began the story written as a quiet but mostly well adjusted person, then proceeded to be written as more and more dysfunctional for no particular reason, as if he'd been that way the entire time. That's kind of how I'm starting to feel about Byleth in this story, his naivete in these later chapters is starting to stand out. I was still okay with him not knowing anything about romance, but him not ever considering losing his father was hard to believe. He seems so aware about the prospect of death in all other scenes.
Otherwise, this thing is great! Marshmallow is truly best waifu. Looking forward to the next chapter.
Guest chapter 1 . 3/4
Haven’t played the dlc yet but I still thoroughly enjoyed the new chapter! Good job
LoveGlutton chapter 11 . 3/6
I didn’t even PLAY three houses and I like this story
Tigereey chapter 11 . 3/1
This story is great! And the Byleth & Mercedes parts are so cute
Monkeybutt98 chapter 11 . 2/26
I have to admit, I kind of want Byleth to be defeated during a mission. If only to see his class go completely feral protecting him. They pull out all the tricks he’s taught them and all the while he’s telling them to stop spending so much effort protecting him when it would make more sense to go after the enemy commander. I love this version of Byleth you’ve created and I can’t wait to see what comes next!
Izunama chapter 11 . 2/22
I’m not sure if you plan to ever take a romantic turn for Byleth and Mercedes, but I definitely support you if you do. The way you handle them is adorable. And nice to see the Ashen Wolves inclusion!
Lah-d-lah chapter 11 . 2/20
Maybe 'cause its been a while but the writing in this chap feels a bit (lot) weaker than other chapters, sort of like an abridged version or something, and not in the good way...

Byleth in particular feels at points like he's stupid rather than completely socially-unaware, though that could be just me seeing things wrong, I don't know...
SyncroX chapter 11 . 2/20
I feel you with the lack of Constance x Lorenz support...
Aeso3 chapter 11 . 2/20
Poor poor Byleth. He's finally grasping what emotions are and coming to terms with human feelings. This probably feels like discovering what a crush is at 40 years of age.
A Stone Cold killer who's lived only for battle and practicality his entire life not knowing why he has butterflies in his stomach for a particular person must be terrifying for him.
DestructionDragon360 chapter 11 . 2/20
Aaaaaaa Mercedes makes Byleth feeeeeel they're so cuuuuuuuute w
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