Reviews for Blood Is Thicker Than Water
Guest chapter 1 . 11/9/2019
reality deviant chapter 1 . 10/18/2019
that was...not a common pairing in oregairu fics.
i think, you might want to check a forum called Questionable Questing, it has fanfic writers that write M rated fanfics and discuss M rated ideas.
bmurd3rf4c3 chapter 2 . 10/10/2019
OmegaEleven chapter 1 . 8/11/2019
I hate being the fifth Horsemen, the destroyer of nice things, but i guess someone has to be THAT guy i guess.
i gave a read to the update, and while some stuff were addressed there, i still have to abide to my final opinion about this chapter.
this get a 3.6 in my incest scale (of 7), not terrible, not great, its just...okay.

in terms of story, or more precisely how this chapter was written, i think i can say i didn't get bored or skipped parts or anything like that, so good work on that point.

contents, however...
the first issue i have is how much time passed from "little sisters are to be cherished" to "little sister's wombs are to be paint in white by their older brothers".
correct me if i'm wrong, but did everything happened in one single day?.
if so, then i guess you can see my problem with this, i'm aware that i encouraged you to write incest which is one reason i feel like shit for the following lines:

while i'm pretty okay with incest, i also seek a well, thoughtfully crafted story, not just incest wanking, because of that, i believe that having their relationship changing radically as it was portrayed here needed more time for this "forbidden love" to grow and mature, transitioning from a "normal" relation to this particular one is not something that simple that happens in one single day, at least not when concerns character like these two, which is why this current iteration (this chapter) makes me think that whatever relation that will happen will be purely carnal, or lust driven.
why so?
well, he saw her sister naked, reviewed her body, he gave a thought about how incest is "wrong", but it was so short that it felt like an afterthought rather that an actual obstacle or problem to overcome. had some more thoughts that made me think "you are sounding quite the rapist there 8man" and one hour later he is almost forcing himself on her (well, not exactly, but it could be read in that way), oh and she is pretty okay with sleeping with him...

think about it TGWW, incest is a taboo, a big one for that matter, is drilled in people's mind that is "eeeewww" and "you shouldn't partake on it", its a really complicated matter which i think people like Hikigaya AND Komachi would think a LOT before even considering the idea of crossing those uncharted seas.
IRL its like jumping into the abyss.
i concede that Japan is a bit of a special case in this regard, since there's a lot of incest related element in the media -mangos, animu, LN, etc- but apparently, and according to some articles, is mother/son the type of incest that is actually a issue there if i recall correctly.
i also concede that IRL some types of relationship could change drastically, but since we are talking about the Hikigayas, this seems unlikely.

getting back on topic.
why am i mentioning this? well because it not only affects siblings having such affair, but family, friends, etc. so Hachiman here either gets disowned, the rest of the family -uncles, aunts, cousins- learns about it and cut ties, pops gives him the beating of his life, she gets sent to America (lol) and her friends go "eeeeeww", and lets not start with the Club and who knows what else, taking into account how Hachiman operates, is easy to see him see those possible outcomes, and fight with the idea of crossing the line, remember m8, its not only his future that is a stake, but also HERs too, and he loves her dearly, so seeing him here going from 8man to 8chad in less that 2 hours makes me feel complicated.

another problem was the whole towel thing.
its cliche, yes, and people can use it the way they see fit, but i think it does a disservice to the story, to be more clear, is not much about the cliche by itself, but its about the impression that generates (this is tied to what i wrote above), he only start getting different ideas about her sister after he saw her naked, instead of these thoughts being the result of a introspective journey through Hachiman's heart (and Komachi's too).
which is why i'm surprised that you didn't make them both bath together like it was mentioned in the chapter. it may feel similar, yes, but the whole bathing together has a different element on it that could have been exploited and enriched this story far better: its a bonding, intimate moment between two people, its that intimacy that makes it different, since both are naked (figuratively and literally speaking) and vulnerable, but since is the siblings, they can share something that is like a secret.
and that secret could have been more realistic and it may have provided some sort of reason for Komachi to start thinking of his brother in a different way too, "b-but what about the kiss he gave her?" its not enough, think about it, he kisses her, and she suddenly wants him?, that's why i said that more time was needed for their relationship to change, one day is not enough to simple throw everything you were told about incest away and start fucking, at least not when it comes to those two, saying that they portrait a realistic brother-sister relationship is difficult for me to say, but i think they are close, so that's why i have some issues with how they went from siblings to lovers like overnight in this story, without much struggle, apprehension, and fear of the implications that such relation entangles, the whole cultural baggage they carry,the taboo about incest that exist disappearing quite easily, and them just going and biting, as you wrote, the forbidden fruit of Eden... were you listening to Vocaloid while writing this by any chance?.

now, in the second chapter some of these worries about incest got mentioned, the time of troubles that could be ahead of them i mean, the problem is, the timing felt wrong, Hachiman is pretty much inside her and he is thinking about this like, now? really? aren't these problems supposed to be though BEFORE having sex with your sister, 8man?

i could go on, but i decided to condense this review and put the main issues i have with it, its not totally bad, but my expectation were high and i have to disagree with some artistic choices you made so that's why i had to be like this, i hope i don't sound like i'm roasting you, its never my intention to do such thing, but since WINcest is BESTcest, i feel compelled to encourage content creators to go one step further than normal (if it feels like i'm forcing my ways, welp i guess i will neck myself).

PS: - i had a good laugh tho, i made me remember a similar situation with my older sister lol (sans the incest part ofc).
- stop blue-balling people, Jesus Christ...
- sorry for the bad grammar and stuff. i hope i don't give you a headache.
- caps lock for emphasis. just saying

see you next review.
HarimaHige chapter 2 . 8/11/2019
This was a very naive look at sex and relationships in general. If intended to show their stupidity because their are young than its good writing.
Lord Asmodeus chapter 2 . 8/10/2019
Hachiman has finally found his happiness. Society doesn't approve - who cares? Will he do something about it? One can only hope.
TheReaper999 chapter 2 . 8/9/2019
This is amazing. I love the way you wrote out and conveyed how Hachiman was feeling. Ofc, not to mention the sex. That was also pretty nice. Looking forward to more!
Zerafall chapter 2 . 8/9/2019
I dunno what the moonrunes you put at the end there meant, chief. But this did quite well in feeding my crippling incest addiction. 10/10.
GVN.Chaos chapter 2 . 8/9/2019
That's...sweet. Like Hachiman said "Sibling from Chiba have a high chance of falling in love with each other" and "my little sister is cute", this is interesting to read. I always like Komachi the most among the girls, and it's not just because I'm an Imouto fan, but I believe that she is the one who honestly wanted the best for Hachiman fron the start. Good writing.
Silver's Linning chapter 2 . 8/8/2019
Amended all things I mentioned were "off" in my other review with this chapter and made something that was really hear warming in addition to being a really great lewd piece that enabled this story to become an amazing two-shot package. Great story and I hope that you have good luck with any further stories of yours.
Ps, blue balls have been healed lol.
tigerbomb1996 chapter 2 . 8/8/2019
oh lewd little komachi :)
YuukiAsuna-Chan chapter 2 . 8/8/2019
Well, that was silly. All i can say is i hope you catch a break and she doesn't get pregnant from this. It could easily ruin both there lives.

Anyway, good stuff.
Mijumaruwott chapter 2 . 8/8/2019
Haha, thank you for the next chapter. A guilty pleasure indeed.
Restia32 chapter 2 . 8/8/2019
Este incesto si se puede ver XD. Aunque me da curiosidad como se relacionara hachiman con el club de servicio ahora que ya encontro lo que buscaba.
26Frenchguy chapter 2 . 8/8/2019
Hey thanks for this fiction, to make an incestuous sex scene without feeling disgust is a prowess thank you and what do you mean this text at the bottom I am very curious:)
Thanks again is strongly the continuation of this fiction or your future fiction.
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