Reviews for The Great River Rescue
PixarLover chapter 8 . 2/4
I love this story!
Alai chapter 8 . 9/27/2019
Like your story?!
We adore every single story...we know you never gave up that's why we wait for your every single post...we know you write every story with your heart and we wait for it...always.
Alia chapter 7 . 9/7/2019
May i ask?

Its a request...I hope you don't mind...its just an idea in my head...hope you write a fanfic about it...

its just about ts4 and i noticed that woody spend a heck lot of time in maybe he write something in there and then hide a secret of his and when he's gone...after
a month or few years slink or any other toy find some old letters or notes which woody write...and whatever the secret he have shocked every toy in the room and they discuss about it or something else...

Hey! Its just a request if you don't wanna write this it's alright...
Sooo...bye now;)
Alai chapter 6 . 8/29/2019
Its so beautiful
ThatOneTaterTot chapter 5 . 8/23/2019
That cliffhanger THO, I needs some more please
Alai chapter 4 . 8/14/2019
A waterfall!
Question! human made or natural?
Well this is really a huge twist...I just finish reading this chapter and I am like how long the other chapter takes...right word for this story is MIND BLOWING! I WANT A MOVIE ON THIS...THIS IS...HAHHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHAHHAAA
Sorry I am crazy...
Good job pal.
Alia chapter 3 . 8/14/2019
Few words pal...take all the time but postttt thee NEXT CHAPTER...WE WAIT FOR THIS...DAMN! THIS IS A DISASTER SHE FALLS DOWN IN RIVER...i fainted
Nicely done:)
Alia chapter 2 . 8/7/2019
Maybe, mason is bonnie's friend from sunnyside...because in third movie when buzz looking out in the butterfly room (during playtimes) i spot a boy look exactly just like him...or whatever...but yeh! They are reunited its amazing
Impressionsguy chapter 2 . 8/9/2019
I don't think the relationship is specified. But cousin works well! Cant wait for more.
WPN95 chapter 2 . 8/9/2019
I totally adore your story...can't wait to see where its going...and maybe Mason is one of those kids in sunnyside because I saw a boy like him in the toy story 3 in the butterfly room...