Reviews for Ephemeral Flames of Vengeance and Desire
Kokuyoseki no ketsueki chapter 23 . 6/28
Excelente historia
por favor continuarla
Jostanos chapter 23 . 3/24
In reference to what may (_IS_) going to happen to Zouken in the near future I quote the "Smokey and the Bandit" series of movies: "Bye-bye, Baby!"
PikaMew1288 chapter 7 . 2/14
I'd love to see a series of fics where Harry or FemHarry is the reincarnation of a different Heroic Spirit and how they end up screwing up Dumbledore's plans. I laugh at the thought of Jeanne being reborn as an English girl considering her past. Nero would likely drive Dumbledore even more insane then he already is. I suspect that the reason that Jeanne Nero, Arturia and Mordred look so similar are either because of possible blood ties in life or Jeanne and Arturia are Nero's reincarnation.
GrumpyGrue chapter 21 . 1/10
Titties and beer. Weiners and wine.
GrumpyGrue chapter 20 . 1/10
Get sloshed Arturia! See if that kingly composure remains!
GrumpyGrue chapter 19 . 1/10
Eek, A Promise! (not-exact reference to South Park, because I looked at this chapter title)

Awww shiet. Iskandar is bringing wine so he can use Hamon Cutter like Zeppeli did on enemies! HAMON CUTTAW PUBLUBLUBLUBLU!
GrumpyGrue chapter 18 . 1/10
The Connard Heroes trilogy, a pooxia novel. Third book is: The Heaven Wang and Dragon Saber. It features the book of Wammu, written by Wammu the Pillar Man.

Port-O-John Connard from Termite-nator.
GrumpyGrue chapter 17 . 1/10
Stewie-ewie-ewie-ewie, Stewie! Manic crazy cuckoo bananas.

That's part of a song from somewhere. Don't know what it's called.

Let's have a party. I love you, red Sola magus. I lift you up, proceed to party
GrumpyGrue chapter 16 . 1/10
Mellow Yellow or clear is the color of healthy pee. And wouldn't Zouken just use the worm in Sakura to kill her and spite everyone else?
GrumpyGrue chapter 15 . 1/10
Carrotsugu is going to snipe the bait. Man of no honor, summons Artoria, whose honor is a lot of bs that does nothing for pragmatism. It's weird how he did that.
GrumpyGrue chapter 14 . 1/10
People put out fires with urine before. Whizz. Harry is a whizzard.
GrumpyGrue chapter 13 . 1/10
Give Jeanne succor. Give her the succ.
GrumpyGrue chapter 12 . 1/10
Give Jeanne a stolen automobille to drive in her state of deshabille to run over Gilles and be more chunni than MHX for thrills, and put her in a French maid outfit with frills.
GrumpyGrue chapter 11 . 1/10
The Dark Deed is done Mr. Krabs, I mean Gilles.
Jeanne: Do you see what I see? Do you know what I know? (speaking of Berserker, but it's a song praising the Lord, lol)

Gilles vs Gilgamesh. One carries a kidney, the other a khopesh.
GrumpyGrue chapter 10 . 1/10
A Jalter covered in chocolate fondue? Mon Dieu!

The railroading to near-canon hurts. She didn't kill Kiritsugu, but left him alive and ready to be a thorn in her master's side like a poisonous fugu. Jalter must have damaged her brain from the helmet and the heat, she treated her opportunities like shooting skeet instead of the real deal where she can easily get the kill. Didn't even hit Archibald with her fireball set to scald.
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