Reviews for Dance, Dragon Dance!
NibberWithAHardR chapter 2 . 7/18
I hope you don't keep the 4 move rule, that seems way too arbitrary, and causes a lack of realism.
NibberWithAHardR chapter 1 . 7/18
JarethxRosa eventually? If so the E!
U gay chapter 1 . 7/4
Nice premise and I hope his starter isn’t dragon type.

But, I feel like you just have a crush on Rosa Blanco and want that pussy.
Anon Omega chapter 6 . 6/4
Lucas is Part 1 Dio. Prove me wrong.
Revan Noct chapter 6 . 6/4
Ruber as the main antagonist from Quest for Camelot?
Ghostcraft9 chapter 4 . 5/26
Got to love hellsing abridged references
HarunoWolf17 chapter 6 . 5/25
HEY! Glad to see two new chapter are released, though i doubt the next one would be released soon considering how many chapters you releaswd and the time interval between the first update up to last... It's how I know some authors update slow or fast... hope I didn't offend you hehe~~ ~sweatdrops~

Anyway, LOVE the new chap! Jareth and Viggo's interaction are AWESOME! Seriously, those two crack me up! I was surprised about Jareth's heritage since I hadn't thought you would make him a Blackthorn but it was AWESOME! What I can't wait about is Jareth's 3rd future pokemon. It was kind of obvious that Jareth would get either the Magikarp (or Gyarados) or Ekans since you have been hinting it, but the 3rd one, now that one will be interesting! Also the foreshadowing base on Clair and Caitlin's conversation.

In terms of pairing, I'm definitely rooting more for Jareth x Valerie or JaLerie hehe, with Jareth x Rei or JaRei as the second. But still leanong more on JaLerie that's for sure... It feels like that with those two, they're both from different clans that keeps on fighting up to the present and with those two falling in love with each other they stop the war hehe... Or maybe they would get alomg since the clan that the Blackthorn Clan is fighting is also the same clan that killed Valerie's family so yeah hehe.. Waiting for the next chapter! Can't wait!
Dancing of Doom chapter 4 . 5/24
Ah, I LOVE these references you are making
KaterinaWhite chapter 6 . 5/18
Ladies and gentlemen here came the assholes! Really nice story keep it up!
Kyu9930 chapter 6 . 4/20
Is Jareth's dad's family the one found in Meteor Falls in Hoenn?

Viggo should learn swords dance and work up and combine them together with agility and calm mind to make his own superior version of dragon dance even if he can't learn it normally. That would give him a great boost to take down the more ruthless and powerful dragons out there.

And I just found out that Riolus can learn Nasty Plot, so Maggie can teach Viggo that when they are all training together.
Kyu9930 chapter 4 . 4/20
Is that Darkrai going to be caught by Tobias in the future after it gets frustrated of being beaten again and again? Potential future antagonist.

Could Jareth try meditating by focusing on music like Oracion or Lugia's Song etc.? You know those songs that have power in the pokemon world. Most likely they invoke some sort of aura in people to calm things.
Kyu9930 chapter 1 . 4/20
Ooh is Amaura a dragon egg group pokemon? How about getting a mega Ampharos later on in the journey once mega's are fully being used (probs be overkill too early in the fic, better to build it up I'm sure). That would give a nice electric/dragon typing for truly fearsome electric battles.
TheSummerSet chapter 6 . 4/10
I'm so excited for Jareth to have a dragon and for more battles. Keep up the good stuff
TheSummerSet chapter 5 . 4/10
Also I can totally see Jareth controlling his aura to the point where he can make a tiny aura sphere at the tip of a finger gun and shoot it with pew pew noises
TheSummerSet chapter 5 . 4/10
This story is so fucking funny. It's my exact brand of humor where I say random shit to confuse people.
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