Reviews for Darkest Moments
iamacliche chapter 17 . 7/25
I'm a little late to review this newest installment, but I did not want you to feel as though your hard work went unnoticed! As usual, you continue to spin a compelling and suspenseful tale, and I think you did a great job building the angst and tension between the gang; even though no Scooby fan wants to see these five in conflict with each other, it just means the resolution and conclusion of this story will only be even sweeter. I can't remember if I mentioned this already, but the twist with Ethan really added so much to an already incredible story; it's so intriguing to see how the dynamic has shifted between him and Daphne/Fred. And I'm sad to read about Stella, but that just means the stakes are higher than ever now, and I absolutely can not wait to see what happens when the gang finally confront Devon Blake. I can't wait to see an update for this - eagerly checking my updates for this every day! I hope you are healthy and well during these times!
SpongeAddict chapter 15 . 5/16
Ahhhh I am on the edge of my GD SEAT! I cannot wait to see what happens next - seriously, I'm not sure if I've ever read a more thrilling Scooby story!
iamacliche chapter 15 . 5/15
Okay, so wow. I've been hoping to see an update during this time, and you definitely didn't disappoint! I don't even know where to start with this amazing update, but first I just want to say that I was screaming when I correctly predicted the identity of the masked man (purposely vague to avoid spoilers for others), and I am so pleased and flattered your readers' reviews influenced you to go in this way with this character over your original plan. I truly think everything that lead up to the culmination of these two chapters was perfect, and as you said, it added some intricate layers to a story that was already rich and complex. I don't know how you keep managing to raise the stakes and the suspense, but you do it every time. I thought your previous story was amazing and ambitious, and to be honest, I had no idea how you would follow up with something that had been so epic, but this has been equally as epic, if not even more so; I can honestly say this has to be the most intricate and brilliantly constructed fanfic I have ever read, and it isn't even over yet! I know you said you struggled to write these two chapters in your author's note, but honestly, I think this turned out perfectly. Seriously, thank you for giving us this story during this time. I can't wait to read the fallout and see how everything unfurls in Coolsville from here!
iamacliche chapter 13 . 4/15
Omg I'm screaming, I think I know who the masked person at the end of this chapter may be and I realllyyy can't wait until the next chapter to see if I'm right! And I just spent 45 minutes reading this beautiful update and it was easily the best 45 minutes of this entire quarantine because holy cow, this was such an amazing update! As you did previously, you are so seamless in bouncing between the past and present, and it's been so gripping to see this all pieced together slowly; I don't think my heart ever stopped racing in my chest while I was reading. And as always you write Fred and Daphne so well, both as a couple and as individuals. I love how determined and bold they are, and I love their commitment to each other and justice for Ethan and mystery solving. This truly is such an accurate, poignant depiction of Daphne and Fred as grown-ups, and I am loving every word. Seriously, thank you thank you thank you for this fic, and thank you for the continuous updates during this time; this has been such an amazing escape, and I'm on the edge of my seat in anticipation over how the rest of this story ends!
Juls673 chapter 12 . 4/7
Will shaggy and velma ever get together? Shelma?
iamacliche chapter 12 . 4/7
Okay so wow, please don't ever consider trashing this experimental style of writing or this chapter because honestly, I think this may be some of your most impactful writing yet, and that's saying something because your entire story as a whole has already been immensely powerful and epic. I love the way this flashes back between the present and parts of the day before, and I think it is so effective to reveal the story slowly, one bit at a time - it really builds the suspense and the intrigue. Even though we know Fred and Daphne are physically alive, we know from their disheveled state that something horrific has happened, and it makes the reader want to burrow into this story even further. Another element I especially enjoyed was how you juxtaposed the present day phone call with Velma against the phone call they had with Velma only 24 hours prior; that was really well done. And I don't know if I've said this to you yet, but I looove how you write Fred/Daphne and their relationship; the Fraphne shipper in me always squeals to read your updates. Honestly, this story just gets better and better, and I don't think I can wait for the next chapter; I love this story so much. Thank you so much for giving me a suspenseful and gripping chance to remove myself from the reality of our situation right now!
SpongeAddict chapter 12 . 4/7
I love this out-of-order storytelling device you’re using! I can’t wait to see how it unfolds in the next part! Eagerly awaiting an update!
Guest chapter 11 . 3/28
If you're disappointed about Scoob! delayed by the virus outbreak, just put your head on your hands and say 'Oh, bollocks.'
iamacliche chapter 10 . 2/25
Oh my goodness, you are really playing with my emotions now! Even though it looks like it's definitely over for Ethan, I can't help but still feel a flicker of hope; maybe someone else was driving his motorcycle and Ethan is simply missing? But I'm probably setting myself up to feel destroyed all over again.

Seriously though, as always, this is so gripping and suspenseful! I loved the role Mei plays here, and she ended up being one of my new favorite characters that you've created (seriously, what a sweetie and a total BA for helping Fred and Daphne!). And I was destroyed to learn about Will, but I had a feeling it was going there. I am so intrigued to see what you have in store for the Coolsville storyline in the next chapter, and of course for my favs Daphne and Fred, too! I don't know how you manage to raise the stakes even higher yet with each new chapter; you not only do that, but you also continue to impress and intrigue me with this story, and I find myself obsessing over my alerts in hopes of finding an update from you at least once a day. I hope you find time to update soon! Your story is always the highlight of my day.
SpongeAddict chapter 10 . 2/24
I’m always thrilled when I see you’ve updated! The plot is really thickening and it feels like we’re ramping up to something big! I’m already on the edge of my seat for the next installment!
AlterDay chapter 9 . 2/4
Loving this story. Loved the Fraphne chemistry in this chapter. You can really tell how crazy in love they are but also that they're still young and reckless and don't have everything figured out or explored yet.
Guest chapter 9 . 2/4
I just love this story, hope Fred is well
The Wandering Piney chapter 9 . 1/26
Great story so far, your continued mature take on the gang is exactly what I’ve been looking for. I enjoyed your previous story (I’ll have to reread parts of it again as it’s been awhile since I read it) and I’m glad I finally took the time to read this installment.

Anyway, the gang’s dynamics are well-written and their characterization is on point. You’ve done an excellent job at keeping the suspense and mystery going; the incredibly high stakes and the very real threats make the story compelling. Outside of a few stylish choices I have a bias against, I don’t really have any major critiques at the moment, so good job there.

Looking forward to what happens next.

~The Wandering Piney
iamacliche chapter 8 . 1/13
Oh my flip, I am so glad you updated this! I think about this story all the time, so seeing an alert for this made my entire day. As always, you've created another suspenseful chapter. I loved the inclusion of Mei Ling; What's New Scooby Doo is one of my favorite versions of the SD franchise, so that was such a cool nod. And as you've successfully accomplished with the Mystery Incorporated gang, you've done a splendid job crafting a compelling, adult version of Mei. It was also great to see the story check in on Shaggy and Velma, as I have also been wondering what's happening with their story/mystery. And as always, this story has me wanting more with every suspenseful cliffhanger concluding each chapter. I am so thrilled to see that you are updating again soon!
SpongeAddict chapter 8 . 1/12
YAAASSS you're back! Great update!
I am VERY INVESTED, by the way. Literally on the edge of my seat to see what happens next. I love this story so much.
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