Reviews for Servants and Demons
King of Fans chapter 21 . 9/17
Good character

Why do I have the feeling Mordred spirit was in perfect sink with Jade at the beginning of the chapter because of chicken.

Lastly the dark hand might want to get used to the aerials. Because even with human levels of strength her archery skills can rival Artemis. So until they get their own archer they will have to keep an eye out for arrows, and get used to being target practice.
Mokkel chapter 21 . 8/29
finally out of the first arc!
can't wait to see you have in store for the next chapter
Also the three goons seem a lot more fleshed out in this fic than in canon
Guest chapter 21 . 8/26
Uh oh, the bad guys know Atalanta’s true name. While she doesn’t have a glaring weakness like Achilles, her legends will still tell them her weakness and abilities.
Kolomte'49 chapter 21 . 8/25
Okay, I'm not gonna bother thinking about which Jackie Chan movie you inspired on this occasion. But I must say that Captain Black and Atalanta's comments reminded me a lot of those you'd see in Marvel's comic books. And I really liked that.
Mokkel chapter 1 . 8/7
man this is quite the slow burn isn't it?
I love it!
keep up the good work!
also you really captured Jackie's humor in this
Maxim7 chapter 20 . 8/7
Whoops, Jackie said his famous line. I will not be suprised if the next scene has him saying "I dun want trouble" while all of the thugs lay on the floor defeated.
King of Fans chapter 20 . 8/6
Good character

Thanks for the shout outs.

Captain black is enjoying this. As he is getting knowledge of many dark hand members identities, and what restaurants they like to go to.

I wonder what uncle discovered. As he did figure out something of great importance involving a dark force, but has no idea on its identity yet? This likely means it has something to do with the grail and the servant summoning system. The possibility of skilled warriors popping up on the enemy side is both a notable fret, and involves adversaries they have no idea on how to deal with.

Lastly I came up with two good ideas.
1.) if a servant uses the tiger talisman they get separate into normal form and their alter form, but with a strong emphasis on a lawful-good and chaotic evil alignment. For example Atalanta would be the same, but I whip for gentle and loving side constantly on in a full display, wall her berserker version Will be acting a lot more like Joan of arc altar.
2.)When Iberaki or any Japanese servant with strong connections to oni see the shadow kahn, or dark Jade they would be able to identify they are both from Japan and have strong connection to Oni. However anything beyond that would be a mystery to them.
Kolomte'49 chapter 20 . 8/6
I really missed reading some of the Uncle's crazy things in such a good story as he is.
Mokkel chapter 16 . 7/22
you're really amazing when it comes to portraying characters!
King of Fans chapter 19 . 6/10
Good character and thanks for the shout out.

So that’s where the rooster talisman is.

Yay the grail war is definitely something captain black should be aware of, although it might take a few summonings for him to 100% except it.

Lastly why do I find it fitting that it was a food truck Jackie took.
Trsmuted chapter 15 . 5/28
King of Fans chapter 18 . 5/27
Good character

How about León griego for Atalanta’s wrestling name. León griego translates to Greek lion in Spanish.

That’s actually not a bad plan. Jackie sneaks in through a Trojan horse gambit and fights the bad guys. Wall Atalanta provides long-range support.
If things go according to plan and knowing those three they would be so freaked out and weakened Jackie would have no troubles in taking them out, or getting Jade and run.

Lastly Love the joke at the end.
Maxim7 chapter 18 . 5/27
lol, never expected Jackie and Atlanta interaction to go this well and it is also really funny.

Atlanta should be grateful, cause the world she is currently in is not as cruel as Nasu verse world.

I wish the update could be faster though with how short each chapters are, like one chapter per week or 2 weeks. Thanks anyway for updating.
King of Fans chapter 17 . 2/29
Good character

So Atalanta is getting her new bow. All the while hitting the target perfectly with every combination she has.

Well of course her game is going to be a little off, but only she will notice. Following her legend they were very few servants that could matcher her in a bow. Meaning, a 1/10th of a centimeter is to archer is like A few inches to a normal bowmen.

Yay explaining multi-verse theory to someone in going to be easy. Because it’s in the realm of theoretical physics, and only possible for extremely powerful sorcerers in terms of magic. So it’s best to have uncle around or a really smart scientist when she gets to explaining it.
CAD270895 chapter 17 . 2/27
more please
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