Reviews for Forgetful Finn
HeyVen chapter 2 . 5h
If you do another amnesia fan fic please do Ant!
AshyGurl101 chapter 6 . 6/10
So mature, guys, so mature! XD
Don't call her bluff, she'll take you for a ride in the Rover again...
That's deep. And adorable. And makes me want to fangirl squeal. UwU
They left you unsupervised for maybe 45 seconds. HOW?
Did you just swim through purple stuff? What happened to 'Death Blooms In These Waters'?
Respect, Finn. You made the rabble listen.
Okay, no respect! How could you do that?
I take it back! You don't say bad stuff about dying kids. Finn! Fontaine! No!
AshyGurl101 chapter 5 . 6/10
Rather Fontaine than Ant, though...

No, don't tell him that his father disowns him regularly when he's sad that it's happened once!

Wait, the pearl? He remembers?

Awkward. Talk about landmines...

Even if you don't remember them, you should have figured out by now that the Nektons ALWAYS investigate. Especially if danger is involved.

Hammerhead, STOP IT ALREADY! Leave the poor baby alone!

Maddy XD

Fickle much, Hammerhead?

David Attenbrough: Dolphins and Dol-Finns are happy in each others company and will regularly accept the other species into their pod. Both have a dislike of sharks and will protect each other from them XD
AshyGurl101 chapter 4 . 6/9
But of course! The kitchen is the most important room, according to Jeffrey. XD
Poor Ant, you can't steal Fontaine's special friend anymore...
Hammerhead, you just got rekt
Maddy, always so straightforward...
Oh no, they've seen him O.O
Oof, poor Danny Boy XD
Hammerhead, NO! *Cringes into nothingness*
AshyGurl101 chapter 3 . 6/9
I can see that look, Fontaine, and it is adorable.
Should you really be questioning a 10 year old's name choice?
Anton XD Well, at least he's trying to find a logical explanation.
I get the feeling that Will named Ant specifically so this would happen... XD
Will, Finn has amnesia, remember?
Very creative, but we have Finn's attitude back! That's a good sign!
Oh, Fontaine, he'll ALWAYS have a sweet smile for you!
Think of the bright side, Fontaine: Ant won't mind if you marry him now XD
Finn and people's names! XD
And these moments between Will and Kaiko are ADORABLE!
AshyGurl101 chapter 2 . 6/9
Ant, Fontaine is never okay when you ask her questions like that.

Thank whatever God the Nektons worship for Kaiko, because I don't know how Fontaine would survive without her mother

I take it back, Ant. Keep making innuendos, but stop being mean to Fontaine!

Finn doesn't need to train the dolphins. They can sense your bad attitude toward their friend *insert snooty face*

No! The rip! FINN!

Imagine the lecture Kaiko would have given Ant if he'd said that: "You've lived on a submarine for 13 years Antaeus, you should know the difference between an orca and a dolphin..."

No, Ant! That's Fontaine's nickname! Stop it!

How could Hammerhead leave Finn in the ocean with a gash in his heas and his wetsuit? Prepare to feel the wrath of Mamakaijuofdoom!

So polite, even with amnesia. I like him like this!

0.o I knew there was a catch.
AshyGurl101 chapter 1 . 6/9
Trust Ant to remember that. And to put quotation marks.
Oh God, stop it Ant, we don't need this!
She survived SIX HOURS of that? Respect, girl!
Pfft. Said anyone that EVER blushed.
Not much tobrag about, TBH, it happens in every other episode.
Finn? You okay?
Finntaine4eva chapter 10 . 4/15
This was such a great story, I loved it from beginning to end, especially as Finn Comes Aboard is one of my favourite episodes.
I love that interaction between Ant and Finn when he's lost his memory- makes me kinda sad that's not how it is in the actuality but oh well, and I loved how Hammerhead knew and didn't care that they liked (or loved omg!) each other.
Keep going! I love these rewrites so much!
Guest chapter 10 . 2/21
This is such a sadly represented fandom. Thank you so much for your contribution, the only only I really felt had any value in reading.
Wonderful job!
Demigoddess8 chapter 10 . 12/11/2019
You really had me going... thinking Finn was gonna die. GEEZ!
But what a great fanfic!
This was so well-written, and there are few Finntaine fanfics out there that are this good. So, THANK YOU!
Random Fan chapter 10 . 9/7/2019
NEW CHAPTER YAS *leaps out of the dark and seizes electronic to binge-read* Aw, so cute! I'll invite me and my siblings to their wedding cuz why not even though my brother hates 'gross sappy stuff'. FONTAINE X FINN 4EVA ALL OTHER SHIPS CAN DIE!


Yeah, a little overboard. Whatever. I'm an obsessive shipper.

Unexpected thank you from Hammerhead, who's mind is basically going, "Let's never speak of this again."

Bye bye, pirate boy!

And see you next time! *goes back to electronic to read other fanfics and doesn't even bother hiding in the shadows*
San child of the wolves chapter 10 . 9/7/2019
Aw that was a great ending.
Prophe-Cass chapter 10 . 9/7/2019
Welp. Both families together in a ship for three days? Should’ve been interesting…
XD Yay! Finn’s back! …com’n, Finn, don’t be like that!
Aw, Ant and Madeline…
‘Mom stare’…I know that stare all too well…
Madeline! So this is all your fault!
“We won’t forget this, Nektons!”
“For kidnapping your son?” Mmm…yep, that’s the fathers for you.
XD Can’t wait until the next impulse!
All in all, that was really, really good! They were all perfect and played off each other really well! Great job!
Random Fan chapter 9 . 9/6/2019
*pokes head out of random studio room* Ooo, soup, don't mind if I do! Now I get to read some Fontaine X Finn! :D *takes bowl and drinks it while reading and spits it out when sees the monitor stop* WHAT THE- OH FLIP NO *quickly reads the rest of it and sighs with relief* Thank goodness!

Uh... *looks down at clothes and blushes sheepishly* Oops, I wasted the digital soup. Ah, well, that can be fixed. *snaps fingers and everything gets cleaned up*

Phew! I'm glad. So, Hammerhead approves. All we need is Will. And probably Kaiko. Lol.

Allow me to slink in the darkness until the next one is out... *slides into shadows then coughs* Dang it. Ah, well. Bye!
San child of the wolves chapter 9 . 9/5/2019
Thanks for letting him live. And you aren’t the only one who cried. So that was great emotion you put into this chapter.
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