Reviews for Talking With a Monster
Jiggly Joe chapter 1 . 7/22
Holy hell, this first chapter was something else
Shriker70 chapter 16 . 7/21
I normally don't do reviews but your story is very captivating. I can't put into words how excited and anxious i am for more of this story. And for anyone who writes a bad review is jealous of your writing.
DhanaRagnarok chapter 16 . 7/18
I just binge-read the whole 16 chapters so far, it is now 3 in the morning, and I have no regrets.
Looking into 18's and Gohan's minds like this is very well done and frankly fascinating.
Thomas-The-TMC chapter 16 . 7/13
I love the whole reflection on 18d life here the parallel to the saiyans is accurate and the guilt of how she was saved by then only to slaughter them... I do think she should just dye her hair now and assume videl. I'm also thinking that with the old blue prints gohan could get a new arm.

Question. The cell 18 met was present day cell. Was it still in the bug larve form like what the guys find near the time machine in cannon
DtotheZ chapter 16 . 7/12
Great chapter, and I really enjoy how you make 18 come to terms with everything and how she interacts with Trunks and Gohan, people that she was out to kill not so long ago. I'm super interested in seeing how you grow the relationship she has with the two of them. Keep up the good work.
iikd chapter 16 . 7/9
Thanks for the extra long chapter, you people are doing amazing work.
Guest chapter 16 . 7/9
Just wanted to say I’m really enjoying this story! And this last chapter was a damn good one!
Radical Dreamer 57 chapter 16 . 7/8
I was waiting the entire time on pins and needles for Cell to jump out after those clothes were found but it never happened. Honestly, the fact that you took the unpredictable route there makes it a hundred times more eerie and suspenseful (though looking back logically I suppose if Cell did show himself to the three of them there's no way he wouldn't be obliterated for good and by now he knows better than to approach 18 without recovering fully AND powering up). I was kinda expecting 18 to suspiciously keep up with Trunks, too. Never know what'll happen with this story.

I must say I really don't understand why 18 deliberately took off her contacts/glasses. Such an action only makes sense if she WANTS Gohan to find her out. ...And I don't think she does, at least not consciously. Gohan's sensed 18's energy, but was it even deeply enough or for long enough to remember/recognize? Never caught on to the symbolism behind 18's alias or really thought about it at all but that is pretty nifty.

There was one section (from Gohan's PoV) that I initially had a hard time pinning down what the point of view was. The word "maim" was misspelled.
Guest chapter 16 . 7/8
Excellent chapter. The interactions between 18 and Trunks are cool too.
It’s nice to see her doing some reflection and drawing parallels to the past events.
Keep up the good work!
matt626 chapter 16 . 7/8
You had me with the dinosaur going after the fish, thought it was Cell. Great chapter!
shuyinX chapter 16 . 7/8
A good slice of life (ish) chapter!
Firstly i like how you started off with 18's split worries between her encounter with Cell and her upcoming training session with Gohan, it was good at showing how things were affecting her. The decision to "take a walk" was great too and it was cool to see that her past vigilante actions had lead to her becoming an urban legend like batman meets the ring, with the encounter with the thieves expertly showing this in action and showing how she was deliberately playing up on the rumors about her . It was also interesting to see her mindset regarding her rough treatment of those she goes after.

Secondly the camping trip was a fun idea of calling back to earlier parts of dbz, the moment you mentioned the dinosaur i thought it must be the one Gohan met many years ago. The training was certainly interesting and i like how you detailed more about using ki in a way that fits well into the universe and showing off pieces of the scholar that couldn't be was nice as well. From Gohans perspective it was interesting to see 18 unknowingly giving off more suspicious hints though it was funny to see his attention wandering during her spar with Trunks.

Thirdly it was nice to see that 18 was enjoying the sparring and her liking that Gohan was concerned for her. The trip itself was interesting seeing signs of Cells victims from the perspective of 18 who has no idea at the connection was eerie. The arrival at the site of the battle with the saiyans was good and i like the perspective of how their brief but deadly appearance would have been recieved by normal people. Your showing of what information 18 had on Goku and co does seem more realistic as Gero probably would focus only on what his enemies could do and care less about anything else.

Lastly i like the flipside of earlier in the chapter with it being 18s turn to be looking at Gohan with.. less than pure thoughts, its cute but also foreboding to see these feeling slowly grow while knowing the disaster looming ahead. The ending of the chapter really felt like a moment out of of Dragonball and i can imagine the ending art of them running at the end of an episode.
DQRS guy chapter 16 . 7/7
Nicely done chapter.
Flashyyyyyyy chapter 16 . 7/7
I love'd this chapter. :) Please continue!
Verdantia chapter 16 . 7/7
I kinda assumed that's why Eighteen was going by Videl, but I hadn't noticed that about the Gohan vs Videl role reversal! That's pretty cool.
makhan chapter 16 . 7/7
Great chapter, really like the idea of other characters learning the absolute baffling crap that Gohan and the old Z gang went through. I'm also biting my nails in anticipation at the looming Cell confrontation and how things are gonna play out whenever 18 is revealed.
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