Reviews for Crashing Out
ObscureAbsurdity chapter 5 . 11/24/2019
I can't tell if this is sarcasm or actual garbage
Lesto Vetrois chapter 5 . 11/8/2019

Nice premise, nice prose, I'm inttrigged and wanting to know what happened and what is happening next! :)
Prince Pondincherry chapter 5 . 9/30/2019
What other adult Thinkers does Piggot even have? Who's dead, lobotomized, and on suicide watch?

Whelp. So much for Thomas not being on suicide watch.
Prince Pondincherry chapter 4 . 9/30/2019
I wonder why Yamada IS treating them. She's right that she absolutely shouldn't.

I was wondering why Yamada was treating the idea that Crash was writing a story as so insane. Why couldn't his ridiculous power work through that interface? It makes a bit more sense since it's coming from Velocity, who has admitted to having a poor grasp on reality, and since Yamada is obviously not at the top of her game.
Oh. I guess she could be worried that he believes it.

Ah. I guess Yamada is there just because they have so many people who need therapy? Weird that she's getting the most important jobs, though. I would have thought they'd put her to work with the less important people and bring in other therapists for the Protectorate.

Piggot's response seems pretty reasonable, all things considered.
Prince Pondincherry chapter 3 . 9/30/2019
Did-did Crash reform Rune? And Oni Lee is still playing along with the Truce?

Wow. And now I feel bad for Coil? What? I do like how it's logical that he might not have had powers earlier.

"And what about me?" Canary said.
- Surprise! Oh no.

Browbeat stabbed Crash because Crash didn't remember he existed, and Velocity finished him off because Crash thought he was a villain. I'm not sure what the heroes mean by "insane hero murders child," though.
Prince Pondincherry chapter 2 . 9/30/2019
Ah, yes, Vista's "pitiful useless ability to warp space" is completely incapable of preventing her from being stabbed to death. Obviously.
...Okay, to be fair, she hasn't had much practice warping small things close to herself and other people, so she probably WOULD get stabbed if she tried it. But the way it's worded is hilarious.

Velocity joined the ABB? Okay. I wonder if this was entirely because of Crash's reality-warping effect Shaker/Master/Stranger effect, or if at least some of it was an attempt to escape the effect, that backfired when the effect could incorporate his rebellion.
Or maybe Velocity intentionally played into the effect by deciding to be Crash's rival?

Oh snap. That was unexpected. I guess Crash isn't so "indestructible" after all.
Wow, you made me feel bad for him in his last moments. The sad thing is that the world would objectively be a better place if they just let him be, but he was way too invasive to allow that. I wonder how Armsmaster defeated the Master effect.
Ah. So Vista could escape. Okay.
I wonder what's up with Shadow Stalker and Brian. I suspect that will remain a Noodle Incident.

Oh. The teen in PRT armor used Armsmaster's halberd to stab Crash. That wasn't clear. The halberd "punch[ed] through power armor like glass," which made it sound like the teen was punching through Armsmaster's power armor, not stabbing the Supra-Alexandria Brute. I wish that was more clear. The revelation that Browbeat saved the day because nobody knew who he was was amazing, but muddled by my confusion.

Also, I like how you gave Velocity a significant role. That's pretty uncommon.
Emperor Tyrannous chapter 5 . 9/27/2019
really great chapter. Honestly this is probably the only fic which has explored a master effect of this scale and it's aftermath. Also loved what you did with coil. A very original direction for a often comically stereotypical "just as planned" type villian. Funniest part was him getting upset about how much he wasted because he was forced into being an incompetent, evil comic book style villain that probably does long monologues
Callum Newman chapter 5 . 9/26/2019
God I love the way Piggot is portrayed in this!
HeirOfVoid chapter 5 . 9/26/2019
This was a random click, and I'm glad I did. Dealing with the aftermath of a bad SI is... rare, to put it mildly. The only other story I've seen with a similar premise is "Not the Hero" for MLP, but that focused on stopping the SI while he was still alive, not recovering after the fact.
RoadWild chapter 4 . 9/16/2019
Hoooly shit.
Holy shit.
Ok when I first started reading your fic I was soooooo disgusted it's just another OC! SI! OP stories where the MC will magically fix everything, save Canary and Taylor and whoever else, and then become the god hero of the world.
And that's where the path was going to. Until you killed him.
Then the story got soooo goddamn amazing.
What Emperor Tyrannous said was spot on. You took the standard story and completely flipped it.
What's that I hear?
Is that the sound of Worm canon being made?
Damn straight.
Fucking great story.
Guest chapter 4 . 9/15/2019
Wow, this is good! In the beginning I supposed this to be a parody but the end of chapter one made that seem unlikely. Great ending to chapter one with the master strangers button thing. Then the way you show the people recovering, I love the characterization you are showing. It's rare that someone actually shows worm adults as fully functioning in any capacity outside of their job. I hope you keep it up. Great work. Good Person Test.
Alex Ultra chapter 3 . 8/18/2019
It looked questionable at first, but I definitely got into it quick.
Emperor Tyrannous chapter 3 . 8/18/2019
Holy hell. I've got to say that is far and away the best presentation of a master in any form of fiction I've read. I honestly found it disturbing, my heart is still thumping. My first impression was that this might be some painful Mary sue type or a bad SI, but I couldn't shake the feeling that something was not quite right. You didn't display any of the hallmarks of a new writer such as tropes or poor grammar.

Neither did you try to bludgeon the master angle by including obvious tells, rather you contrast the characters new behaviours with what we as worm fans know to be true. Honestly it was subtle and genuinely brilliant. A very creative opening compared to most fics that start in the locker or Taylor being harassed by the trio.

Honestly words cannot convey how meta this was. It felt like everything was pulled out of a comic book or a personal fantasy, with the obligatory velocity twist and "Driving evil out of brockton bay". Of coarse that was the whole point, as it is exactly something a ten year old would come up with and hints to the audience that something odd is going on here. It's like how a child perceives the cape scene through the lens of the PRTs PR and comic books, compared to how it actually is. (Which is extremely complex)

I also liked that you displayed the human cost of this line of thinking. Assault and battery being an example of victims of crashes delusions

Also it almost plays on some (Bad) self insert tropes, with the world revolving around the MC. Characters that the SI likes for some reason or another are presented as wholly good and characters they dislike presented as wholly evil. I'm guessing he was a fan of Armsmaster and less so of assault. Then again he may have just been creating some drama to spice up his fantasy.

It reminded me of an episode of black mirror "USS Callister" (Watch it, it's really good, there are many parallels between this and the episode)

In short. You sir/maim have a seriously good grasp on not just worm, but the superhero genre. In addition to a liberal dose of lateral thinking. Congrats. I look forwards to future updates
Callum Newman chapter 3 . 8/18/2019
whoa, this is dark! I love it.