Reviews for We're Connected
elm0608 chapter 11 . 5/16
Please keep writing!
Guest chapter 11 . 4/12
I love this it's been a while since you've updated is it abandoned?
Natalie Rushman chapter 11 . 4/1
Brothers X) So sweet! I'm glad they've got each others' backs.
Natalie Rushman chapter 10 . 3/24
Rhodes is great in this X) And - weirdly enough - Stane being alive and working with HYDRA isn't even that far-fetched. Surprising - nice choice for the story - but not unbelievable. Good balance.

Hopefully they can relax for a little while and figure all this out. Poor kids ;(
Natalie Rushman chapter 9 . 3/14
Oh wow! Tony's gonna be PISSED. Nice to see Harley and Pete developing a friendship.
Lightningscar chapter 11 . 3/7
Great chapter :)

Really great insight into Harley's thoughts and emotions. And yay, he acknowledges Peter as an unofficial brother :) Really liked the bonding between them.
Really interesting deal Tony has made with Harley. Graduate college, work with Pepper to become Stark Industries CEO and turn 25 before he becomes the new Iron Man... hopefully Harley won't be taken prisoner again or get involved into too many hazarderous adventures before then.
Hehe, little brat, ratting out Tony like that XD
And LOL, when Tony mentioned that he could work whatever position or work wherever you want, for a moment I just imagined Harley saying that would want to work in OsCorp... wonder who would freak out the most, Tony or Peter XD

Liked Tony's part as well... will be interesting to see if he think he can stick to his deal or will want to negotiate new terms down the line. Especially if Harley is like Peter, committed to the hero business, grim as it is.

Great chapter and curious to see what happens next.

Yours sincerely,

Natalie Rushman chapter 8 . 3/3
I'm glad they worked that out X) Tony's really great at this!
moni clemmens chapter 11 . 2/22
Great chapter. It touched all the feels.
Natalie Rushman chapter 7 . 2/18
Oh my gosh it is so cute I am going to die. X] I love it. I'm glad things are looking up!
Natalie Rushman chapter 6 . 1/20
May is really such an amazing character. I love the way you write her. The fact that she marched down and slugged Tony when she found out about Spider-man is perfect X) I never really thought about what she'd done, but this is totally in character!

I feel really bad for Harley! Hopefully the "darkest night comes just before the dawn"? I guess we'll see!
Natalie Rushman chapter 5 . 1/14
I really like this escalation. It's both on-character, and psychologically believable. Not ONLY that - it ups the stakes. Nicely handled.

Oh - the idea of Harley and May is So cute. I love it. I'd never put them in the same scene before in my head, and I really enjoyed that X)
Hidden Circumstance chapter 10 . 1/12
Very nice.
Lightningscar chapter 10 . 1/12
Awesome chapter :)

Poor Harley :( He is gonna have nightmares for months, if not years to come. :( Luckily he has IronDad, PepperMom, SpiderBro and rest of Avengers family to help him through it.

Very good descriptions of the injuries done to him... for some reason, I was reminded somewhat of Ramsay Snow's handiwork (don't know if that means anything to you... let's just say, he ain't a nice guy)

Nice, well not really, but hopefully you will get what I'm trying to say, with Harley's mounting despair and realizing that Peter maybe will stand a better chance of escpaing without him... just to realize that Peter probably wouldn't even try without him.
But smart kid... try to keep Stane talking so he won't torture you. Minor hiccup along the way, but that makes it more believable... also, very nice touch with Harley admitting that he would beg Stane to stop.
And no Harley bear, you ain't responsible for the death of your mother and sister. :(

Nice explanation on Stane's survival. It actually makes sense. Even more interesting was your take on him... realizing that he cannot take Tony head-on, and isn't overly concerned with surviving (making sense, considering what he was planning).

YAY :) Spider-Man to the rescue and got to save Harley twice... first by removing the straps, later by punching Stane in the face... hopefully he wasn't holding back too much. Only thing that confused me about those events was how he could do it and how he got his suit back... guess the collar was removed, but didn't quite catch if it was removed by Tony or the goons wanting another go... or am I missing something?

Really interesting scene with Tony and the escape... I thought the blast radius was a bit on the, pun intended, extreme side as it is a large area getting barbequed, but it would make sense for Stane to try and increase the blast radius to take out Tony... too bad for him Hulky can move pretty quickly for someone so big.
Also, am slightly confused... did Tony admit to Peter/Spider-Man being a kid/teen?
But true to Tony's character to have his suit protect his boys instead of himself.
Only thing I will put my finger on is the part with Peter calling Harley dead weight... true it may be, but the Peter/Spider-Man I know would see it like that, much less speak it out loud. Trust me, Peter ain't perfect, but that part made me frown a bit.

Good that they can fix up the normal humans in the Cradles... still, I see a lot of hurt/comfort coming up.

Awesome chapter, and looking forward to more :)

Yours sincerely,


PS: Have you given any thoughts to how long the story will be? Just curious :)
Natalie Rushman chapter 4 . 1/8
It's really nice to see Harley opening up to him X) They've got a long way to go...

That standoff between Tony and Mr. Thompson was breathtaking.
Natalie Rushman chapter 3 . 1/1
I love the way you compared Harley and Pete in this one. I'd never paired the two against each other like that before! Gave me some read Tony-Bruce kinda vibes X)

I like the idea of Harley meeting MJ and Ned. Them all being friends would be awesome. I feel like that's a long time coming though, no matter what happens.
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