Reviews for The eyes long, the heart cries
billyjbradshaw chapter 23 . 7/2
OMG, it was soo good! I’m going to re-read her eyes. Reading this changed my entire perspective! This was sooo good! I’d like more stories with Hiro...because I have a crush on him. Lol

billyjbradshaw chapter 16 . 7/2
I’m with the pairing. I started reading your story last night, and I haven’t slept. It’s not 630am. That’s right, I’ve been up going crazy over Hiro/Usagi/Mamoru. My heart is racing.

billyjbradshaw chapter 8 . 7/2
Ohh no...I don’t know how to feel. My poor Hiro. He’s going to have his heartbroken all over again.

billyjbradshaw chapter 5 . 7/2
I love what you wove in here. I loved your story Her Eyes. You’ve created this amazing alternate universe in a timeline where our two heroes don’t remember and don’t care to remember their past. I like the idea that you can fall in love more than once. Love this!

billyjbradshaw chapter 3 . 7/2
Ahhh I love Hiro! I’m so glad you put him in this!

billyjbradshaw chapter 1 . 7/2
I’m loving the premise. I always wondered what would have happened if one of them were in a serious relationship.

zerninkaval chapter 1 . 6/12
I've just read your introduction and so excited! it's my 4th your story and I haven't been disappointed, only miraculously satisfied!
Guest chapter 1 . 5/9
One of my favorite stories! I loved it all! Please continue to write you are amazing!
karinori chapter 23 . 3/31
Oh! Nearly forgot to mention my love for how you write the senshi here! I can totally imagine them doing what you describe in here. I think I especially like how you wrote Minako here. She is just like the star of each chapter she appeared at. Oh, and can't really getting over how Haruka and Michiru made Mamoru so uncomfortable during that sleepover party. Hahahahahah
karinori chapter 23 . 3/31
Hello! I hope you have been well in this crazy times of the world! I haven't been able to read all these awesome Sailor Moon fanfic for awhile, but now I got the chance to! So much thank yous for writing and finishing all your awesone fanfics! They have been a source of comfort for me!

Me too agree that "Her Eyes" is such a masterpiece! And I am so glad that you wrote this fic as a prequel/sequel.

I was actually a bit angry for Mamoru to love someone aside from Usagi, I guess I am bit biased since Usagi is my fav! But, really at the middle part of this series, I really wish Usagi will end up hapilly with Hiro,... BUT then u gave all the angst. All the misunderstanding in the past, the passion, the tortured Mamoru! Can't help but shipped them again together.

You made soooo many connections with "Her Eyes", and I am just so in awe and was so excited reading it! Love it when it was like a circle for Mamoru and Hiro. I guess Mamoru's jealous reaction over Usa/Hiro in "Her Eyes" was pretty much reasonable given all these things happened in the past-though they might not remember it! And when Hiro imagining Usagi when he was having sex with other girls during "Her Eyes" could that be a fragment of memory his soul? I really love how you connects them! Though poor Hiro getting his heart broken again and again all those lifes!

Anyway, thank you again for writing and sharing your always awesome writing! Your story has always keeping me on my toes, and always craving for more. I would definitely re-read this just as I've always comeback to visit "Her Eyes"!
mryann chapter 8 . 3/17
ohhh my what happened? is he getting jealous now?
mryann chapter 7 . 3/17
ohhh its just magical..
mryann chapter 6 . 3/17
ohhh my.. what did he feel when he saw that?
mryann chapter 5 . 3/17
ohhh they are really going there..
mryann chapter 4 . 3/7
im soo happy he gets to see it..
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