Reviews for Trapped
Demonic Irken chapter 1 . 10/16/2019
I love how deep this is.
Shaeril McBrown chapter 1 . 8/31/2019
Aww I feel sorry for him
Dreamer1920 chapter 1 . 8/31/2019
Wow, this was really deep and touching on so many levels. I’ll be honest, Squidward isn’t my favorite, but I still relate to him in a lot of ways.

I really felt sorry for him here. This was really beautiful. Thank you for writing such amazing stories. :)
underthecover chapter 1 . 8/30/2019
I don't know how you manage to get better and better with your pieces, but WOW, this chapter was so interesting and eloquently put. I really enjoyed delving into Squidward's psyche and it was really cool to see what we both did with the same character's internal thoughts. The words and the different components of the story flowed so effortlessly and you really achieved the epitome of the stream-of-consciousness style. My favorite part was the invasive "Drip!" sound splicing through Squidward's thoughts at the end, that's one of my favorite literary techniques to utilize because it really packs a punch.
As always, I can't wait to read more of your work, I'm SO impressed
Spades And Swords chapter 1 . 8/30/2019
Wow, this was really interesting and sad. This made me feel bad for Squidward, he is so bitter yet he isn't without a good reason to be so, and I think you captured this aspect of his character perfectly! Sometimes it's easy to forget how three-dimensional he is, and you wrote his thoughts accordingly.

This was really well done, and also very original! Keep writing!
Geo Soul chapter 1 . 8/30/2019
I need you to Finger Me Booty