Reviews for The Kitten
Blue Luver5000 chapter 32 . 9/10
Great story! Can't wait for more
Lucyole chapter 32 . 9/9
Good chapter very emotional and sweet at the end. More please *cookies for inspiration and the great work*
Guest chapter 32 . 9/6
Poor Hermione.
Fast Frank chapter 32 . 9/6
Some of that is a bit over the top.
Cmdr.DorkyBadass chapter 32 . 9/8
Glad that Hermione is finally awake. So she will be brought up like pureblood then.
willam and jack and jake chapter 32 . 9/6
very well done
willam and jack and jake chapter 31 . 9/6
nice well done
kpop1392as chapter 32 . 9/6
Awww, I cried a bit. The angst, is on point! I love that Hermione woke up with a warm, happy memory.
pclauink chapter 32 . 9/6
umbitch is gonna freak hermione... at least she thinks that hermione is a pureblood...
Jmichelle2019 chapter 32 . 9/6
Thanks for the update!
Cmdr.DorkyBadass chapter 31 . 8/28
My heart! How would Hermione grow up normally with her trauma?
I just want her somehow recovered.

Severus is the adopted son of Min and Albus but he is also Hermione's Godfather.
tlc125 chapter 31 . 8/27
Did he ever go back to erase the girlfriend's memory or whatever to fix the situation? I can't recall what happened with them.
This was a very hard chapter to read. It's quite graphic. Hopefully things change for the better. Thanks for the update.
Fast Frank chapter 31 . 8/24
True pathos. (Like many adjectives, "pathetic" has been too watered down over the last century or so, to be used here.)
Lucyole chapter 31 . 8/25
Wow what dramatic and dark chapter we see more of Hermione's cruel past and how worried Albus and Minerva are. Then Severus drows his sorrows ad pain in Alkohol thatvs even worst but Isobel talks him out of it and reprimands him that ge has a family and he needs to be there and help with at least his knowledge of potion making. Good written moreplease *cookies for inspiration and the great work*
Fast Frank chapter 31 . 8/23
Most praiseworthy.
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