Reviews for Back to work
C chapter 34 . 12/5/2019
Very enjoyable story. Thank you for sharing it with us.
amadaluciano chapter 34 . 12/4/2019
Your story ended very beautiful, congratulations !
Guest chapter 34 . 12/2/2019
Very sweet
TgrLady chapter 34 . 12/1/2019
LOVE LOVE LOVE - thank you so much for wrapping this story up so beautifully. I had been reading them through my phone and hadn't been able to leave a review past few chapters but was keeping up and reading them just as soon as I was able. I loved that Mrs. Hughes was able to make Carson come around in the end, as she always does. I thought their lessons learned were done lovingly and I thank you for taking your time and energy to write Chelsie loveliness for us, the Chelsie fans. I have marked this as a favorite and will continue to keep an eye out for your works... thank you so much and please accept my gratitude as well as bunches of good energy and Chelsie Love!
Guest chapter 34 . 11/30/2019
It was a lovely ending!3 Thank you so much! Can‘t wait for another story! Your stories make my day always brighter! Xxx
Chelsietx chapter 34 . 11/30/2019
What a great story. I’ve enjoyed it so much! Lady Mary came through for her favorite butler. How true that the nightgown is worn on special occasions which is every day for them. His letter to Mr. Pattinson was just perfect and I may have tears streaming down my face as well. Thanks so much for this and I will definitely look forward to any Chelsie stories from you in the future.
Good Bo chapter 34 . 11/30/2019
This is just beautiful. Well done you should be commended. A great story and brilliant end. Nice one xx
Chelsietx chapter 33 . 11/28/2019
I’m so glad they could talk about this together. It’s kind of sad that Mr. Pattinson was like that. Charles needs some men friends. I’m also glad he told Elsie about the job offer. Thanks so much and Happy Thanksgiving!
Good Bo chapter 33 . 11/28/2019
Wowza! I love this...I wonder what he is going to do?
Love this xx
Miss Maid chapter 32 . 11/24/2019
TgrLady chapter 32 . 11/24/2019
yaaaaaaaaaaasss an update! You're so good to us! :) I did want Mrs. Hughes to find out about it - but I'm perfectly happy with her finding out via Mrs. Patmore instead of Mr. Carson. I love that Mrs. Patmore was thinking about it during her own honeymoon and made the effort to reach out and share this with Mrs. Hughes. I thought the phone conversation was quite amusing - and loved that Mr. Carson had to get a peek at that naughty catalogue again to try and figure out which outfit/lingerie option she might be wearing! *giggles* :) thank you so much for the update - please accept my gratitude and all the good energy and Chelsie love one review can hold! :)
Louise725 chapter 32 . 11/24/2019
Love this story and can’t wait for more chapters
Chelsietx chapter 32 . 11/24/2019
I’m so glad Elsie found out what happened, and what fun Mrs. Patmore must have had with sharing that knowledge. You’re quite correct that Elsie has no real reason to be at the house other than to earn her money. I love Charles’s thought about the undergarments and how he plans to find out about them! Thanks so much.
Good Bo chapter 32 . 11/24/2019
Way happy to see this! Well done Mrs P I mean Mrs M or whatever she’s known as! Cheeky mr Carson! Love this chapter xx
Daisyangel chapter 31 . 11/13/2019
Loving it so far.
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