Reviews for Yuuna Yuki, the Supreme Queen of Games
whhsswimmer11 chapter 18 . 8/31
Maybe you could do Yunna Yuki: Bonds Beyond Time chapter/one-shot? Like Yugi, Yusei, and Yunna battle Paradox. Or Yunna used her Supreme Queen Powers to save Yugi and everyone during Paradox's attack on Domino city where Pegasus is killed, with the help of Yusei and the Crimson Dragon?

Really love your story! Keep up the good work!
Michelle chapter 17 . 8/26
Wow, Logan! This chapter was such a wild ride! I couldn't stop reading it for a moment!
The flashback scene at the beginning was heart-breaking... Yuuna living in Haou's shadow, but, aside from that, so many humans are jerks :'(
It's so great that Blair is bad at not getting involved, haha. The part where she stepped in to help Brier was so sweet!
Ooh... poor Sy though. He is still scared of Yuuna :'(
Yuuna has so much on her shoulders now, training to become better and protect everyone precious to her! And yet she is as sunshine as ever! The way she was so eager to agree to Crowler's trap scheme was so XD I loved how she had to be literally silenced lol Yunna the Dueling Maniac, haha!
Jasmine and Mindy are once again stealing my heart. Their midnight strolls are so sweet~ And seeing Jasmine Duel was so awesome! How she stepped in to defend Yuuna, Mindy and all her other Obelisk comrades?! Way to go, mah girl!
Haha... And the last but not the least, Bastion! I TOTALLY love how much he cares about Yuuna! Omg, that scene was sooooo cute! Even if Yuuna cannot tell him everything, he is still there to support her... aaah, my heart is getting so weak for these two, and I'm serious! /
Thanks for such a thrilling chapter, Logan! I love it so much! _
Michelle chapter 16 . 8/19
Oooooh, I still remember that tennis episode in the original GX! Even than I thought it was super hilarious! XD
But aside from that, the way you portray Yuuna and Alexis's relationship is... wow, it's sure something! This tension between them is nothing like in the original! Alexis being so blinded by the Light that she is failing to notice how her soul is falling in darkness... this is so poetic! Meanwhile, Yuuna's heart is filled with so much light and warmth, even despite her connection to the Darkness... Like, whoa!
Mindy and Jasmine are so sweet! They care so much about Alexis! Such great friends they are! ToT
Oh? Bastion trying to dig some info about what's going on? What a way to finish this chapter!
Michelle chapter 15 . 8/19
Whoa... This chapter is so impressive! It started as fluffy but the Duel was so exciting and intense that I literally held my breath! :O
The beginning about Yuuna being miserable during Christmas as she used to spend it with her shitty parents was heart-wrenching! :'(
It's so awesome she's got friends now, she's not as alone anymore :3
Hehe, the hug scene between her and Bastion was adorable! Great to see him getting all the love he deserves! _
Banner with his handmade gifts was precious, too!
Oooh... Syrus started to feel frightened of Yuuna? Oh no... :( I'm so intrigued! What a plotline to explore!
And the Duel, like I said, was thrilling! Thank you for writing more, Logan! *huuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuugggg*
Guest chapter 14 . 8/16
Yeah, lesbian Jasmine and Mindy
Liked It,
Hoping For Lesbian Alexis
Michelle chapter 14 . 8/16
Oooooh! Chazz leaving the Academy was one of my most favourite arcs in GX! Haha, I guess it was what made me ship him and Jaden ;) It's so great to see how you write it!
Yuuna is an angel, like always, worrying about Chazz even though he was such a jerk to her and her friends? She has a heart of gold, seriously!
Oh yes, Mindy and Jasmine! They're my favourites in this chapter for sure! And I absolutely loved how you talked about Jasmine's family! It was a little unexpected that they're polyamorous, but hey! Jasmine is so fortunate to have three people who adore her so much~ _
Dueling Monkey! Omg, the most memorable Duel in the whole YGO franchise! Now I see what you meant by "that escalated quickly"! XD Can't wait for the next chapter, Logan! _
deathbykitsune chapter 14 . 8/15
Ok great chapter. I like that you gave Mindy the duel instead of just Yuuna, really giving characters that got the shaft in canon some screen time.

One big problem though was during the duel. How did acrobat monkey get 2800 attack when it only has 1000. Even with wild natures blessing it should only have had 2000 since that is what 1000*2 is. Sorry if that came off as mean but this is a good story and I know you could have fixed that mistake. Besides that though the duel was good though I am a sucker for those evil heroes.

And before I forget I have no problem with you pairing Jasmine and Mindy together. Though it is weird when comparing them to their canon selves they were a bit boy crazy, especially with Aticus. Not a complaint just saying. Looking forward to more in the future.
allmightylord chapter 13 . 8/1
yu is the losing side mmm she the one that getting allies she is the one that has friends and if bastion says anything then alexis would be known that let a grudge to expel somwon and almost ignored some won deck being destroyed witch could lose her allies. there is a common logic in war that one can not win it alone its a team effort
Michelle chapter 13 . 8/1
That opening part broke my heart! My poor baby Yuuna! ToT
*sigh* I can never get over how Bastion was treated in canon aka completely forgotten! It's nice to see you giving him a bit more spotlight!
Damn, at this point in time Chazz totally pisses me off! Like, wtf man :(
It's great that Bastion pulled it through anyways! And his respect towards Yuuna is admirable! _
I loved this chapter, Logan! Your work is as wonderful as always, never forget that! :3
Pasta chapter 6 . 7/31
Oh my hecking gosh a lot happened in this chapter, I loved all of it and idk which of it to talk about first, this is probably gonna be my longest comment yet, hopefully.

Ok first of all, yay Yuuna definitely managed to do stuff with her powers, I wonder if she'll end up using them powers on this 'Titan' guy in the next chapter, yikes that might be difficult to explain to her friends.
I got genuinely lowkey spooked by Blair's ghost story haha (mostly being like 'Jesus Christ I hope she's ok' kinda spooked but ya no)
aaaa Yass we stan non binary Yubel, damn how haven't I mentioned that until now, with Yuuna correcting Bastion on their pronouns last chapter and also I think you also mentioned in the first chapter, just yassss, wait wasn't it canon in the sub version? why did 4kids change that, cringe culture may be dead but 4kids is still cringe for not giving us nonbinary representation smh.
Also, return of the found family trope with Yuuna, Syrus and Blair ! yasss, I love them all and I love this.
Ok and also like, Blair what the heck, thats how people end up dying in horror movies noo don't go into the house where people go missing cuz now ur friends gotta follow you- ok maybe its not too bad that they went in there cuz if they didn't then Alexis would be toast, so I guess its a good thing that they're all being dumb, because now Yuuna's there to get her game on and save Alexis :)
Also, shadow charms? sounds like some fun possible foreshadowing you've added? unless im being dumb and its canon, I haven't actually seen all of gx-
Either way, im probably speculating too much, and ive probably said too much at this point, oh well, onto the next chapter :)
Pasta chapter 5 . 7/31
omg i forgot how good this fic was ! its litterally just like canon but better in every single way. Also the found family trope happening with Yunna, Blair and Cyrus, its the best and i litterally live for that sorta stuff
Kane Hunter chapter 12 . 7/30
Thus is so good! Can’t wait for more!
Michelle chapter 12 . 7/28
Wow, this chapter is so full of action, I didn't even notice how fast I read it! You're great at writing Duels, Logan! But what I loved the most was the tag team dynamic between Yuuna and Blair! Gosh, this is my most favourite part about this fic! Having a person so supportive in one's life is very important... that tiny scene where Yuuna remembered herself when she was 11, everything that she had to go through... I WISH I COULD HUG BOTH HER AND BLAIR! D': And in the end they became victorious! _ Rip Chazz and his dreams of seeing those two "Slifer Slackers" getting expelled lol
kazikamikaze24 chapter 12 . 7/21
Now this is simply a fantastic story that has me pumped up for more!
Michelle chapter 11 . 7/14
Heeeeey, new chapter! _
Gosh, I cannot stop saying how much I ADORE their group dynamic!
"her friends (no, her family)" THIS TINY MOMENT MADE MY HEART MELT! TOT
Hehe, I'm so glad Banner is understanding about Yuuna and Blair staying over at the boys' place.
Yuuna waking up Chumley by promising him a grilled cheese sandwich made me smile :)
The scene where all of them stood up to Kumazo was amazing! I love such moments! It's so great to have friends who can give you courage and support *sob*
Oh yeah, and koalas are cute! _
Ooooh, and I can see the plot thickens further! Yuuna and Blair are gonna Duel against those guys, I'm rooting for them already!
Thank you, Logan! This chapter was great! :3
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