Reviews for The Second Mrs Bennet
HPforever2018-3 chapter 2 . 6/30
The thought of one's best friend marrying one's father is totally gross on so many levels. I do not care how desperate Charlotte is, becoming your best friend's stepmother is just plain wrong. How should she get any respect or discipline from any of the girls? Obviously her only purpose would be to warm Mr Bennets bed and hopefully produce a son for him. Which is even more nasty to think about, than just getting a cheap babysitter.

I have loved all the other stories I have read by this author, this however is obviously not one for me. Sorry.
drm9473 chapter 15 . 5/6
Hello Roni, I like your work, not only this one, but all the ones I have read so far. What I found amusing about this is that Jane is so bold in showing her feelings, and Elizabeth is not that fast in making assumptions, Mary is more outspoken, and Kitty and Lydia are less foolish. Your story is charming and I think it's great that you write now just because you like it.
By the way, sorry for my typing mistakes, English is not my first language. I'm a fan of Mexico!
Guest chapter 4 . 5/4
Good for Charlotte! Just what Darcy needed at this point in his life.
LoveInTheBattleField chapter 15 . 3/22
This story was wonderful and the ending was lovely!
LoveInTheBattleField chapter 14 . 3/22
Nice chapter.
LoveInTheBattleField chapter 13 . 3/22
That's nice Elizabeth has a new baby brother.
LoveInTheBattleField chapter 12 . 3/22
Great chapter.
LoveInTheBattleField chapter 11 . 3/22
Mr. Darcy is a SNOB!
LoveInTheBattleField chapter 10 . 3/22
Georgiana the matchmaker!
LoveInTheBattleField chapter 9 . 3/22
Mary could so much better!
Mpf2741 chapter 4 . 3/15
Impressive. Well done
Colleen S chapter 15 . 1/31
Definitely was fun! Took Darcy look enough to decide; but Lizzie loved him enough to be patient!
Colleen S chapter 12 . 1/31
What an up and down for Elizabeth! Reminds me of SeeSaw when the other person would jump off!
Colleen S chapter 7 . 1/31
So nice to read a different version of Darcy seeing Wickham in Meryton! Since he knew the Bennet family very well, he acted to protect them! Nicely written!
Colleen S chapter 3 . 1/31
Such a wonderful story! Reading it all over again!
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