Reviews for Ruin
Harakan chapter 3 . 7/18
Like the story it is my favorite genre hurt fear anxiety etc this story deserves much more chapters then just three but your rich style and long chapters complements shortage in numbers. Well the final verdict of the fabula himself is even Sarah has iron clade good reasons for what she dont be in Chucks life for three years it also this same reasons are speaking against her first she save and her child and yet she still dont get home to her husband and with her memories never the less over a year and divorce paper are cherry on a cake sorry girl but not even Chuck cant be that merciful and forgiving and for last real victim is here Taylor a girl who maybe in time healed Chuck but he made a mistake well that my opinion and forgave her i am sure 99% other man wouldn't.
Harakan chapter 2 . 7/18
The second part even better first she have a kid with Chuck and said nothing to him not word and little girl is speaking for god sake woman HE WAS YOUR HUSBAND FOR CRY ALOUD sorry for the yelling but that woman really doesn't understand her actions and how she make him to the edge the poor guy said even to shoot him because he cant take it anymore and who can blame him. And of course the cherry on a cake was divorce paper who was initiated by Sarah that was really the final straw who in the right mind do this to man who she supposedly love. And for last i really feel pity for Taylor she doesn't deserve this one bit and Chuck in this case is such a ass to do what he do to that girl.
Harakan chapter 1 . 7/18
Just F**king WOW my kind of story dont ask me why i just try to find that kind of stories when something screwed between them. Well where do i start first she is gone not a word from her in years and first time i dont like Ellie's actions never the less she was probably Sarah doctor and yada yada she help her getting better. But the burning question is if she loves him like she says suddenly in the play night because it is night why just why are she sign divorce papers and know she want to come home with explanation what is going on in last couple of years sorry honey too little to late and last but not least with a word complicated everyone in right mind would start screaming even Chuck.
HellsMaji chapter 3 . 4/12
Figures.. Just when Chuck is acting justifiably angry, and trying to live his life.. Sarah comes back and he immediately pusses out and accepts the blame that it's all his fault. Don't get me wrong, i wanted them back together. I just didn't want him to revert to loser sissy Chuck.
derekscottwoods chapter 3 . 4/5
Once again, the rawness you bring to a story is captivating. Their need for one another, and yet their fears which hinder their own efforts to be together. Powerful.
Rachel Smith Cobleigh chapter 3 . 10/26/2019
An unusual take on the post-finale fic, but I liked it a lot. Some nice metaphors and turns of phrase. And that paragraph near the end when Sarah tells him that Chuck has been the hero of all the stories Sarah has been telling Charlie (*great* name for a baby girl, btw!) since she was born... I reread that one out loud, it was so beautiful. I liked how the phrase "together-not-together" took on a new meaning when the reason they were "not-together" in the physical sense was just that they had their child between them.

Good job giving a plausible motivation for most of Sarah's actions, even if there was little to no logic in most of them. Emotions don't always make sense. But I'm glad Ellie summarized it all as "moronic" behavior. :)
Rachel Smith Cobleigh chapter 1 . 10/26/2019
Every emotion from canon, distilled and turned up to eleven. Wow.
Mike B chapter 2 . 9/17/2019
I hope this is good. I'm at chapter 30 for heaven and hell waiting for the final . :)
Mike B chapter 1 . 9/17/2019
I don't blame Chuck. I no she has to have a reason but to not a least let him no something is not good.
Mike B chapter 1 . 9/16/2019
I'll wait before I say anything :(
Deathzbreath chapter 3 . 9/13/2019
Loved it thank you.
Avery chapter 3 . 9/13/2019
way to stick the landing. Thanks for all you do.
uplink2 chapter 3 . 9/12/2019
Very fitting ending to this story considering the situation they found themselves in. My only issue with this was I really don't think Chuck would have given up so quickly on Sarah returning and started with something new. Taylor almost comes across as Lou 3.0, a nice girl who if he had met her before Sarah would have been a good match. However once Sarah walked into the Buy More nothing and no one was ever going to match up for him. Even Sarah knew that once she tried to stop telling herself something different. Well done!
PeterOinNYC chapter 3 . 9/12/2019
Mercy. Forgiveness. Healing. Unconditional love. These are centrally important parts of any true relationship and critical in marriage, our closest, most important relationship. This chapter gives us a glimpse of all of these aspects. It all begins, it has to begin with unconditional love - loving without conditions, without strings, without expecting anything in return. We see it certainly in Chuck as it boils to the surface. We also see it in Sarah - at the 11th hour and 59th minute maybe but we do see it, her willing to walk away if that is best for Chuck. We see mercy, which you describe through Chuck very well. That leads to forgiveness and healing. At it's core, forgiveness - both asking for and granting forgiveness - is realizing that we are not in relationship and we want to be. We see that here in the way Chuck chooses to let go of his anger and negativity. But he can't let go of his hurt. That's where the healing process is so important. Make no mistake, healing is a process and yes, this healing will probably take time. A lot of time. We see it's beginning and you leave us with hope. I do think though that following that healing process - with it's bumps, detours and (hopefully) successful conclusion for another chapter would be fascinating. This was a difficult story for me to read - painful really. The pain was deep and complex for both of the characters and I felt it along with them. That depth type of pain does not get swept away so easily - fixed and tied up neatly in a bow. I hope you don't do that - even though I see a complete here. This - they - deserve a lot more closure.
WillieGarvin chapter 3 . 9/12/2019
Thanks, Zettel.
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