Reviews for Dead Man Walking
Guest chapter 1 . 8/31
Write some verbal diologue for your main character. There is little indication when he's speaking or thinking accept when others repond.
uselessman chapter 4 . 7/8
Can you make another version with dan machi as a base?
It must be interesting story...
jinxcurse chapter 3 . 4/27
i like this story
WouldYouKidnapA chapter 2 . 4/22
Good shit here but zombie man is pretty boring to me.
Lifelessman chapter 1 . 4/21
Good Work...! 1
atchoum35 chapter 4 . 4/7
Nice story. Thanks. You re doing good. The relationship between your hero and the amazon is fun. Continue
Bluzerker chapter 4 . 3/31
Wow, ya know once you made your Amazonian fetish I found it a bit strange of the suddenness quite early In the story. Once a thought to be a joke became a serious situation in this chapter. And it’s all creepy and weird for it. Because of the ducking pacing of this story. For the love of all that is in vain put a romance tag if your going with your desires in this story. Friendship is interpreted as that, friendship. No couple or kissing in friends, especially as the focus of this story. I wouldn’t mind it if it was later! Like way later, you gotta pace these things or else it will look forced! Not to mention Why are his thoughts and his dialogue the same? if he’s speak put quotation marks, please! I become confused when he talks with another character!
nofirekiller123 chapter 4 . 3/26
i thought this was dead, nice to find its not.

Nice chapter
Catacus chapter 4 . 3/26
Still amazing as always keep up the great work!
hitesh90 chapter 1 . 3/26
You had a great potential. I genuinely liked this story but the wimpy attitude of him just rubs the wrong way. Still best of luck for your story
doc1121 chapter 4 . 3/25
rip and tear until it is done
Rathaloski Mozsko chapter 3 . 2/20
dude pls update
davidiscoolya113 chapter 2 . 2/8
Add memes and good
Guest chapter 3 . 2/8
Magical version of Deadpool just add super healing factor and dump three quarters teaspoon of primal chaos into his head add
Sup FBI here chapter 3 . 2/4
For the love of god, update this shit. It's too goddamn good
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