Reviews for A Fatal Mishap
Guest chapter 33 . 5/25
This was a really good story. Made me cry a bit if I’m being honest. I’m looking forward to the next story!
crabigail2004 chapter 33 . 5/22
I love this so much. Just tear my heart out would you :(
Guest chapter 33 . 5/21
Omg...I bawled like a baby! Please please please make another story soon! I cannot wait to see what happens next for everyone!
Guest chapter 32 . 5/17
Ahh this is so good! I was waiting for steve to burn out soon idk if hes done but I feel hes gonna go downhill a bit more.
Guest chapter 32 . 5/16
I love this! i would love to see more of dally and darry
Guest chapter 32 . 5/16
I had a feeling the doctors appointment wasn’t going t work out in Steve’s favor. I love the scene with soda and Johnny! The interaction is sweet and johnnys right! Update soon!
PandaGirl2019 chapter 32 . 5/16
My favorite scene of this chapter is the one with Twobit and Steve. There's so much emotion in those moments. Anger, frustration, sadness, pure friendship. I'm glad Steve has that encouragement because it is a big deal for him to stop the pills. Since it's so visibly affecting his body, he's going to have to take them to get himself back on track.

Steve's dad kind of makes me laugh. Because he's so indifferent in most ways, but then little glimmers that he cares come through, even if not in the most loving of ways. With the doctor, it seemed so much like Steve to decide he's screwed either way.

I think Johnny is right about Soda's speech. If he wants to speak, he might just have to go up and do it from the heart.
Guest chapter 31 . 5/15
I hope you update this soon!
Guest chapter 31 . 5/7
i really hope you continue this!
Brittany-Mel chapter 31 . 5/2
Bless it. Bless all of them. I want to wrap them up and love them.
PrincessAllycat97 chapter 31 . 5/1
Love your story.
Do you know an outsiders story where all the guys had sisters, Olivia was related to darry, sodapop and pony boy, Katie and Johnny and I think Nadine and Steve.
PandaGirl2019 chapter 31 . 5/1
It's so sweet how the gang all wants to help Darry plan the funeral, not that I'd expect any different from them.

I find myself just waiting for grief to hit Soda all over again because something in him seems kind of numb, even as he's going back to the DX and distracting himself.

I love Twobit taking notice of Steve's apparent withdrawal symptoms. Of course it's hard for Steve to take the pills right now, but he really needs to, even if it's just until he gets to go to the doctor. His body can't take that physical stress at all ever, never mind when he's also grieving and watching his best friend grieve.

Those were such sweet moments between Soda and Johnny! Between Soda and Darry too, reminding each other they love one another.
Guest chapter 31 . 5/1
Poor stubborn Steve! I can’t wait to see what happens next with him! And oh man...I feel like if Soda doesn’t give a speech he’ll regret it, but if he freezes up he’ll regret it too! Update soon!
Guest chapter 30 . 4/29
please update soon!
Guest chapter 30 . 4/27
I hope you update soon! :)
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