Reviews for Peter's Overprotective Family
Guest chapter 1 . 8/24
This was amazing to read.
Lisa Noire chapter 2 . 8/15
yes...Steve gEnTly...GeNtLy... slammed his shield into him
DaturaMetelBlackcurrantSwirl chapter 2 . 6/4
Oh joy, poorly written gore porn. They may be super human but the avengers are also heroes, they aren’t just going to just beat up and break teacher because they didn’t protect Peter, they have to be better than that. And counting groin punches and shoulder arrows doesn’t make it sound like an act of passion, something done by someone pushed to breaking by grief. It just sounds like some sick bored sociopath taking their time. I get that this is fantasy but you’ve shredded my suspension of disbelief here.

Realistically they’d make some threats, maybe rough some of the worst people up but otherwise it’d be legal action from tony and cap, Bruce and Wanda removing themselves so they don’t overreact and destroy something, vision might ruin them socially online, and the rest would do what they could to get everyone possible blacklisted at any decent job, get their names on every government watchlist possible, and run them out of town.

This screams “14 year old working out aggressions with a disturbing power fantasy.”
Guest chapter 2 . 4/25
Gregary Fritsch chapter 2 . 4/17
part 3?
BlackCat130 chapter 2 . 4/11
Wow... that's harsh. I don't believe that teachers would beat up Peter, but if they did, they deserved what the Avengers did.
madcloisfan chapter 2 . 4/11
Loved it
Fulcrum102 chapter 2 . 3/27
I'm sorry, but is no-one going to talk about how LOKI even cares about Peter?! I LOVE when these fanfics show that Peter can crawl his way into ANYONE'S heart
Ziviah10 chapter 2 . 10/26/2019
Haha...I love it!
Midnite Girl chapter 2 . 9/18/2019
I understand author's lincense and all that, but really, in my state you're not considered a legal adult until you're twenty-one. So the beat down given Flash was, shall we say, a tad if someone his own age did it, repercussions I feel should have equally been metered out to the much older Avengers would have been enforced.
Elizabeth357 chapter 2 . 9/16/2019
Yes! The Star Wars concern was perfect!
Elizabeth357 chapter 1 . 9/16/2019
I have now read both of your stories and have enjoyed both of them. I can’t wait to read the second part of this story. I hope that all of your exams are going well...I fully understand the need for a creative outlet. Mine is reading fest FanFiction like yours!
Whitelion69 chapter 2 . 9/14/2019
This was a very good 2-shot.
Belbelanne chapter 2 . 9/13/2019
Go family! Is it wrong that I laughed at everything that happened to Flash? Lol.
Belbelanne chapter 1 . 9/13/2019
Glad you did well in your exam and good luck for the next one, procrastinating, aka stress relief, is always good especially before exams. Love that the Avengers are going to make them pay for trying to kill Peter please make it brutal lol. Great chapter looking forward to the next.