Reviews for This is Not the End of Me
CrystalAris chapter 13 . 9/26
Man, I seriously can’t wait to see the doctors reactions her playing and this story still tears me apart ️
Falling Right Side-Up chapter 13 . 9/17
Aww, poor Evie. I hope she finds the comfort she needs. Her world and all the things she thought she could trust to be true have been thrown topsy turvy.

I loved the TARDIS exploration. I hope they become food friends.

Update soon! GOod luck teaching your students despite the pandemic!
PrincessMagic chapter 13 . 8/25
aw wow! Brill chapter!
Kassi chapter 13 . 6/11
Thank you for new chapter!)
brmngirl chapter 13 . 6/4
Love this story. Nicely written. Love Evie. Hopefully in time she heal. Hope you update soon.
domestic fanperson chapter 13 . 5/31
You remind me a number of emotions that I've forgotten when I'm reading your update. Thank you!
AthenaWho chapter 13 . 5/29
You made me very happy now, really! The cry of happiness I gave was sensational! I loved this chapter so much, seeing this strong girl finally resting is a real relief. I don't know why, but I imagined the Doctor walking in the door and watching her play the piano ...

It would be very beautiful! My romantic side is screaming here!

Another thing: is there going to be romance in this fanfic or am I imagining things? Because all this cuteness from the Doctor is leaving me in the clouds HAHAHAHAHAH /
denise3 chapter 13 . 5/28
So good that she finds herself in the music.
On her guilt for the ones that died, I'd suggest that's a good reason for her having some original adventures. They don't need to be especially adventurous ones, but a little adventure (getting lost, being arrested by mistake or something, or even visiting Regina or doing some shopping) might be good for laughs and to allow her and the Doctor to develop their friendship. Since she doesn't know what "should" happen, she can enjoy them without guilt for a little while.
And before I forget again, your tender!Doctor is so sweet! I belive he can always be that careful and attentive, but most of the time he simply doesn't bother.
denise3 chapter 12 . 5/28
I can't believe I've missed this chapter. I vaguely remember starting to read this but then something happened (lots of somethings happened this year) and I forgot. At least now I have two more chapters to read!
And yaay! They've finally talked! I hope her secret as whovian doesn't come to bit her later... I'm happy she's getting a chance to rest and recover a bit. Maybe they can get some adventures before Martha comes onboard...
Whovianeverlark17 chapter 13 . 5/27
this is a great chapter, I really enjoyed reading it! It was nice getting to see Evie getting to know the TARDIS, and seeing some of her old memories. I also really want to see a jello room haha. Don't stress about updating, take all the time you need!
HannahHPandDWfanJones chapter 13 . 5/27
Really nice chapter. Lovely to see the TARDIS nurturing her. She has a long way to go in her recovery. Thank you for the update and allons-y for now
Eviline chapter 13 . 5/27
Why does she keep saying Torchwood ate her phone? XD is it alive? Did it chomp doen?
A lovely calm chapter. Bereft of the Doctor, but a Whovian fans wet dream nonetheless
CrystalAris chapter 13 . 5/26
Beautiful! She defiantly needs this! I hope she’ll get more time on the TARDIS, and i do feel bad for the Doctor, but really they need this. They need time together, maybe a relaxing vaatoon outside the TARDIS like the some time at a beach or a field. Hopefully to build some trust.

She’s lying, but she’s trying to figure stuff out. I feel like she hasn’t been allowed to be her self for a reallly long tim, and not just because of Evie, but before. She has hidden herself and only showed herself to Lexi and the TV SHOW of Doctor who, those were her safe havens, a constant that was SAFE for her to indulge in, the Doctor in real life is an unknown variable, nunchucks Ike she is to him.

So for them to build trust, i really hope there will be a few chapters before Martha, dont get me wrong i love her, but i feel like Evie needs her alone time with the doctor, I’m sure Martha would be willing to help Evie, but ... I’m worried.

Also would love Evie x Doctor fluff, TARDIS included. I can’t help but wonder what her role in all this will be.

Anyway thanks for the update (v)/
bored411 chapter 13 . 5/26
can't wait to see the doctor popping in on evie as she plays. or whatever else you have planned, of course :) glad to hear your back and i totally understand the whole writer's block thing. i've got the same issue. if you ever want to chat about ideas though, feel free to pm me to bounce some stuff around, if you want! i can't wait to read more about evie and how she gets out of this little funk she's in
Eviline chapter 12 . 5/25
Awww this was a sweet chapter. The Doctor is being very kind to her, very patient
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