Reviews for Tied Together With A Smile
Alisea chapter 25 . 6/22
Hi! I’ve been away for many weeks now, and I couldnt read for a while.
I loved your story very much! And sometimes it was hard to read. Very emotional.
Im glad that El and Mike had a chance to grow up and mature. Both made mistakes and learned from them.
The final chapter was perfect! A bright new beginning for them, full of love... and new challenges as well.
A sequel would be amazing!
Looking forward to read more of your stories.
Thank you for this one! You did a great Job!
DistrictThirteenTribute chapter 2 . 6/14
I was really intrigued by this and now I have to admit I am hooked. This chapter was GREAT. Your writing is so good and your characterization for everyone is perfect. Even though I am on El's side about this break, I FEEL for Mike. Really well done with him.

Very excited to read more. It's a huge relief this story is complete. I would hate to get to the end and still have to wait for more.
Guest chapter 25 . 5/7
Great story! Thank you so much for sharing this story!
It was so good and such a different premise from the majority of stories I’ve read. So happy to see a happy ending for Mileven and looking forward to your next project.
afanofstrangerthingsandstuff chapter 25 . 5/5
This has got to be your best story yet. Hell, it's the best fanfiction I've ever read. It has the perfect mix of everything that should be in a story. You also balanced the M rating quite well. It wasn't prudish and it wasn't a smut with a plot. You have written one of the few happy mediums for stranger things fics. It was also a great ending. Before I read the notes at the bottom I was thinking what a great story a sequel would make. I do hope you go along with that idea. Also, if you ever start another fic with the lab or Russians, maybe do a part where Mike gets hurt or even dies. It should have an interesting reaction from El and the party. The thing is, if this and your past fics mean anything, it doesn't really matter what your idea is. You will complete it to near perfection every time. I look forward to the next fic.
asiaad chapter 25 . 5/3
i loved this story so much. i’m so sad to see it endi really felt like i was watching my favorite show
the Mandalorian terminator chapter 25 . 4/30
Great ending. Love this story and the way you've wrote the characters. Can't wait for a sequel
JayneFawn chapter 25 . 4/29
Ah, so much here to dissect!

Okay, them getting ready for each other and talking to their parents before they go on their date was just so cute and sweet, nice parallel to make. How important it is for them to look nice for each other, the underlying nervousness.

And the date itself, and the reconciliation was just the sweetest. I loved it so much, it worked so well and felt so natural and romantic. All of their experiences allowed them to grow and to make this decision with maturity. And of course, maturity leads to passion ;)

And now off to college together! I'm excited for a sequel, and I love the place that you have left them in. It feels fitting and warm and perfect for them. Facing the future together, in love and leaning on each other.

Thanks so much for writing this! Can't wait to see what you come up with next!
1983milevens chapter 1 . 4/29
great story and idea!
Harringtonne chapter 25 . 4/29
College sounds awesome! That should be a really fun scenario to test waters in. New people and characters and a new setting.
Stinebasin chapter 25 . 4/29
My favorite part was all of it!
Hendersons chapter 25 . 4/29
I can't wait to see what you do next! You are so talented and this story is one of the best
Simply the Best chapter 25 . 4/29
One of the best stories that has been completed in this fandom. Thank you so much for finishing it and interacting with your readers!
Mike and El chapter 25 . 4/29
What a journey, what a story. I am looking forward to what you do next, because everything you write is amazing!
Nancython chapter 25 . 4/29
A sequel sounds awesom, sign me up
cocobeforechanel chapter 25 . 4/29
"She still felt nerves about leaving Hawkins and starting college, but with her newfound confidence in herself, the strength of her relationship with Mike, and the support from her best friends and family, she knew she could do anything. El fell into a peaceful sleep with a content smile on her face."

So beautiful!
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