Reviews for A Mercenary and a Goddess land a Professorship
Salazar1537 chapter 18 . 5/26
I have to say, I really love your work and it's really entertaining! I can't wait for the next chapter
solarisacorn chapter 18 . 4/25
What a fantastic story so far! I absolutely love the way you utilize Sothis and Byleth's relationship, and how chilling their view on death is. They're honestly portrayed perfectly in my opinion. That isn't to say the other characters aren't, just that Byleth and Sothis stand out. I am especially curious about Sothis' sacrifice later in the story and how you decide to play it out. Great job!
kingsleydale chapter 18 . 4/24
Another great chapter, keep it up.
TheBleachDoctor chapter 17 . 4/9
Sothis is certainly a spiteful little brain Gremlin, isn't she?
seether0001106 chapter 17 . 4/8
Phew! Byleth got through a chapter without murdering or attacking anyone.
yahiro365 chapter 16 . 4/6
Quality. What a fun chapter! Great interactions all around!
Guest chapter 16 . 3/31
Oh boy, don't tell me. Byleth and Manuela's little "date" is gonna generate all sorts of rumors and suspicions isn't it? Would be surprised if it didn't, given how much Manuela was showing him off.

Just hope Byleth won't have to restort to doing a bit of special "damage control" to keep some mouths shut, lol.

Also, Byleth really needs to learn how to choose his words more carefully. He nearly fell out of Petra's graces if it wasn't for his Divine Pulse. It's okay that he's using it now since he's just started the whole teacher gig, but sooner or later he's gonna need to learn to rely less on it (especially when there's a limit to how much he can use it. Or are you not giving it a limit in this story?).
TheBleachDoctor chapter 16 . 3/31
... Oh dear he's going to search her, isn't he?
Sam chapter 16 . 3/30
Very nice
Velixare chapter 16 . 3/29
The more I read this story, the more I like it. The only downside i can say for this chapter was that end. Leaving it hanging like that has me both annoyed and ready to read the next chapter lol
Anon chapter 15 . 3/15
This may be my favorite Three Houses fanfic I've read on this site.
You've portrayed Byleth exactly the same way I imagined him acting while I was playing through Three Houses, what with his whole childhood, teenage years, and early adult years revolving around his mercenary background. He's calculated, smart, unfeeling, and deadly.
I also really like that you give Sothis a very prominent role in A Mercenary and a Goddess land a Professorship. She is, in my opinion, Byleths partner in game but the dialogue between the two isnt as expansive as I would have hope. Again, this is another aspect I think your story nailed for me (though it helps that the two are more comfortable in your fic because their relationship was pre-established).
Thanks for proving to me that I dont only enjoy romance related fics. I'll always look forward to the next story update.
Tigereey chapter 3 . 3/2
Wow, Byleth is so cold... I love it
Guest chapter 15 . 2/21
Not gonna lie, I laughed a little with the whole tea invitation segment xD

Really excited to see what you have in store for the Blue Lions now that you had Byleth start recruiting students (coincidentally, Petra was also my first recruitment in my Golden Deer run). Looking forward to who'll be the new students for the class (and speaking of new students, do you have anything planned for the Ashen Wolves?).

Once more, I'm in awe at your portrayal of Byleth and Sothis. Instead of going with the flow and simply making them the typical good guy duo, you show more of their darker side and flaws (something not many people do). In this case we have Child Goddess Sothis showing that, for as much as she is an all-powerful Goddess, she has the "child" in her title for a reason, as evidenced here by her pettiness in ordering Byleth to beat the stuffing out of Hilda simply because she (unintentionally or not) implied that they didn't care about hygiene. Still, she did feel bad about it afterwards and mended the damage, so it's not like she's evil or anything. She just has a bit of a short temper xD I love it. It keeps me on the edge of my seat waiting to see what they'll do next.
Althero chapter 15 . 2/21
So I only noticed just now, but this is going a recurring thing ain't it?

Eldegard at that point might as well just hold a sign flashing "Notice me!"
kingsleydale chapter 15 . 2/21
I do appreciate Byleth's murder rampages throughout the monastery
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