Reviews for A Childhood Friend Plus One
Guest chapter 1 . 5/2
Good stuff my guy, I honestly never considered a take like this.
Mr.Vegerott23 chapter 3 . 4/30
Good story so far.
Mr. Haziq chapter 3 . 4/22
Dang. That was a bitter truth pill for Mukuro.

Ah... I missed this weird duo.
Wolfay chapter 3 . 4/22
I don’t get the reference but then again I don’t play Zelda and that seems to be what everyone refers too for some reason. I just prefer to think of kyu from huniepop
ifiweregreeniwoulddie chapter 3 . 4/22
wooo! i was hoping this fix wouldn’t be abandoned! this update brightened my day
Jpach07 chapter 3 . 4/22
Ahhhh ... It was interesting and ... Desperate ... As expected from Junko xDD
ReDestrobo chapter 3 . 4/22
Good to have you back mate. Loved this chapter, the sister "talking" was the best part.
doomqwer chapter 3 . 4/22
ooof this brought up some interesting ideas in cannon mukuro saw makoto as pillar of hope for her during her suffering caused by her sister but this changes things junko her genuinely cares for makoto enough to show her personas and to treat him kindly and mukuro seeing this and not really ever getting that from her sister would feel reasonably jelous also great to see this again
Funny-Little-Cute White Fox chapter 3 . 4/22
Awesome! Hope you write soon!
Bobberhd chapter 3 . 4/21
I love this please keep it going an if possible update more often
Bobberhd chapter 2 . 4/15
Me and the boys waiting for an update
-_- -~- *~* •
Seriously good story please make more
dustinlemque chapter 2 . 3/29
where is the next chapter of this story please
Angrodius chapter 2 . 3/1
It's discontinued isn't it?
ManletPit chapter 2 . 2/20
I hope this fanfic will be continued, It'd be a shame if it was discontinued.
Raj8 chapter 2 . 1/27
Hmm, it's a bit of an interesting setup and considering your other story I'm willing to continue to give it a chance. But I'll be honest and say you should probably write a prequel or something similar expanding on their initial meeting, befriending someone like Ryoko is something that should probably be touched upon. How did this affect her relationship with Yasuke for example? Not exactly surprised to see Makoto failed to suddenly change her. Also it's rather interesting to see that Makoto is being introduced in their second year rather than there first. It'll be interesting to see the effects of that. I'm guessing so it would be closer to the culmination of Junko's plans. Still I'm very interested to see where this will go in the future.
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