Reviews for A Most Convenient Marriage
Levenez chapter 31 . 1h
Thank you for the new chapter. Interesting to see Darcy starting to make some amends even if he hasn’t learned his lessons yet if I can put it that way. The colonel is really a double edge sword in this story and as such I struggle to like him as much as in other story. But I really enjoy the main story of Anne. Thank you so much. I cannot wait to see her next meeting with Lord Colville!
Guest chapter 31 . 3h
mmmmm, Caroline and Richard are perfect for each other, both so manipulative
Gally619 chapter 31 . 4h
Richard is such a scmuck!
bagofcandy chapter 31 . 8h
Oh no! Can't wait to read what plans can these two self-serving individuals come up with ( to separate Anne and Colville ) and most importantly, how their plans are thwarted.
Guest chapter 31 . 12h
I really don't like this Richard. He is greedy and manipulative.

Things are getting dangerous for Anne and Edward: the heir, Caroline, Richard... all hoping to separate them and take advantage of their money. Heavens... hope they can find a way out from the mess, and are able to marry. They would be happy together!
Guest chapter 31 . 18h
Please no Richard! I'm very fond of Lord Coldville and would be sad to see his hopes dashed. Besides, he's a far better catch for Miss Anne.
gabyhyatt chapter 31 . 16h
I wonder what could happen if Richard get Caroline compromised by accident
Dw.618 chapter 31 . 17h
Ick...a scheming Richard plotting with a conniving Caroline...shudder. #TeamAnneEdward
Guest chapter 31 . 19h
Richard! What a despicable move! Why don't you simply marry Caroline, and merge wealth and breeding? You both want what the other have. Gosh, I hope they end up compromised and married to each other: schemers both of them, they at least understand each other well.
Ayla chapter 30 . 7/19
Yay! I really hope Edward and Anne come to an understanding soon :)
setap chapter 30 . 7/18
I love Anne for her gentleness, it is what the world needs. I am glad that Lord Fraser is returning. And yes Anne, Ed is your beau or practically all yours. And yes Edward, do not let your lady go, marry her! And SuddenlySingle (how I love your name!), I fear the same! I guess the story is approaching the climax and I cannot wait any longer!
setap chapter 29 . 7/18
I ship Anne and Edward so hard...
Gedoena chapter 30 . 7/17
Oh no, another unsuspected creep in the mix!

Nice that we finally have some things more or less out in the open and some happiness for two main characters.
Guest chapter 30 . 7/17
Anne, please be very careful! I have a terrible feeling that not only the heir will try to kill Lord Fraser, but he will try to compromise you! Edward, do NOT leave your lady alone with that nasty piece!
ChrisM0519 chapter 30 . 7/17
So the greedy heir has made his appearance; most likely hoping his uncle was dead. I think it would be great if Lord Fraser made a complete recovery. Meanwhile Anne is on cloud 9, Edward loves her.
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