Reviews for Savage Beauty
reylolove chapter 21 . 7/20
Thoroughly enjoyed this. It had the best Dark Rey I have encountered, so far, in all 100 or so Reylo stories I have read in fanfiction. Overall, it was a great reworking of TROS's key plot points.
Great job. Thanks for writing it!
Ruth M chapter 21 . 5/12
OMG. I wish this story went on forever. It was so beautiful.
Ruth M chapter 16 . 5/12
Ugh I hate Hux
Ruth M chapter 12 . 5/12
OMG. He is so sweet I’m gonna cry. She’s making me mad.
Ruth M chapter 7 . 5/12
Yay. Ugh she’s so stubborn. He’s being as honest as he knows how.
lizb1813 chapter 1 . 3/4
Wow! Your story has so much promise! Can’t wait to read the rest. Also, just in case you don’t know, Kylo Ren’s mask was fixed that way purposefully. It’s a Japanese method called kintsuji, where broken parts of pottery are fixed by joining the broken area with a mixture of some sort. It’s not to hide that it’s been broken, but show the repair as part of the history of it. Just wanted you to know! Now on to chapter 2. :-)
ToughSpirit chapter 21 . 3/2
Im glad theyre gonna attempt to make things work.
ToughSpirit chapter 20 . 2/15
Wow this was a very interesting and intense chapter with a mix of so many emotions. I hope Rey can find Kylo even though he cut himself off from the force. Really good stuff.
Broken2018 chapter 20 . 2/15
This can’t possibly be how you’re ending this! NOOO! I can’t see why Ben would cut himself off from Rey? Or the Knights themselves were lying to her. Did he sillly pass out? And why didn’t Rey just go to Kef Bir, then take him to Ahch-To for recouping? And is Rey really pregnant? Did Ben hear that before he was thrown off? If so, please don’t torment Rey by letting her raise the child alone! Please post soon!
Broken2018 chapter 19 . 2/9
Absolutely great! The twist the story took. Was beyond wow. I didn’t see it coming! I’m glad Ben is back. And Rey was just a pawn. But PLEASE don’t end this the same way TROS ended. After all they have gone through. Let them live / love
ToughSpirit chapter 19 . 2/9
Thank god Ben is alive.
lingering.memories chapter 19 . 2/8
Oh thank goodness Ben is back!
Broken2018 chapter 18 . 2/5
Well that was NOT what I expected. Her turning and calling Palpatine “Master”, I get. But why would you kill Kylo? Maybe have him slip into unconsciousness. So that she believes the bond is severed. But DEAD? I am kinda hoping you have another chapter after this. But I’m not sure if I want to know...
Jacqui chapter 18 . 2/2
NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! Damn, you made me invested in this story! Ugh! I love Rey and Ben's dynamic... I can't wait to see things from reverse with Ben attempting to turn rey to the light... can't wait for the next chapter.
ToughSpirit chapter 18 . 2/1
Oh no Ben is dead and Rey is giving into the darkside! Im afraid to read the next chapter.
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