Reviews for Tabula Rasa
ReiKavacha chapter 21 . 5/15
This is wholesome. I've been looking for a good Shinichi & Kaito friendship story and I'm so glad I've found it here. I like the mellow tone, witty banter, mutual respect, and the low key humor in it. It gives me a plausible continuation of canon (I love that kind of fic), and gives a much needed closure. It leaves me satisfied and lingers sweetly on my mind. So thank you for sharing the story. I enjoyed reading it :)
SakuraS41 chapter 21 . 5/1
This was such a wonderful story and a lovely ending with a birthday chapterThank you so much for sharing this with us!
PikachUwU69 chapter 21 . 4/26
My heart is officially destroyed. Congrats.
JanimeXfanatic chapter 21 . 4/17
Love the story so much I was hoping for them to kiss or something yaoi (wiggles eyebrow). Hehehehehe hopefully you would write something about those two getting intimate EHEHEHHEHEHEEH
zeynel chapter 21 . 1/30
Loved this ! Seeing Kaito when he moved in and his first meeting with "neighbour-Shinichi" was great !
3DPhantom chapter 21 . 1/20
Don't know about Kaito, but at my local tore I can buy a $5 massive bag of bird seed mix that's like 10 pounds or something, and it's fed my four birds for like a year now at the recommended healthy servings of 1 to 2 tablespoons a day. (Though, to be fair, the pellets I mix in for extra nutrients and vitamins are pretty costly, about $15 per 3 months for 4 birds.)

But anyway, this story was truly amazing! I absolutely adore it! So much so that I stayed up to what is essentially 3am for me reading it (technically it's 3pm but I work an over night job and sleep in the day so am and pm are switched for me compared to normal people).

So... Yeah, one of the best fics I've ever read! A lot of the characterization and dialogue in particular was absolutely phenomenal! I loved it~!
3DPhantom chapter 20 . 1/20
Doves allllllmost always have exactly two eggs per clutch, very rarely will they lay one or three, though sometimes of course if they lay two one or both might have issues and die before hatching. So when I read there was 67 now and that only one was born I felt sad like maybe the second egg died. ;
3DPhantom chapter 18 . 1/20
Ah, my heart, it hurts. So sweet, so sad. Nakamori-keibu in the end didn't have him arrested either huh. I'm betting the diary will hint at Aoko having known.
3DPhantom chapter 15 . 1/20
Still not sure what happened but I'm guessing Aoko died or something. I don't feel as if she found out he's KID and just left, feels like it's something more than that would be.
3DPhantom chapter 9 . 1/20
A dove picking you with all its might can't break skin. Beware though, if you're cuddling a young and less trained one it might see your shiny eyes and eyelashes and try to peck your eye. This I say by experience of course lol.
3DPhantom chapter 7 . 1/20
Just, for the record, July little bro is a magician, I help with the business, I own three doves (he uses two white ones for magic, the third is a rescue and isn't white but occasionally gets used anyway,) and I've trained all three to recognize a particular perch as the poop station. XD

I love the dove elements! Nit many stories have them as such a big factor! I'm writing one called Dopey, really need to update it soon, but mine is actually based on real doves I own and at times the interactions they've had with their magician, my little brother. One of my doves IRL is actually named Dopey, and yes, compared to the other two, he's a little stupid boy and he does hilarious odd things. X'D
3DPhantom chapter 6 . 1/20
Ah, Shinichi, how dare you! (My little bro is a magician, like really an IRL American version of Kaito oddly enough, and I own 3 doves and a parrot lol.)
3DPhantom chapter 3 . 1/20
Don't look a gift horse in the mouth here, Kuroba. Why keep bringing up the fact that Shinichi should have turned you in, what if he changes his mind? Unless you're really so curious.

And this guy, always living next to police inspectors lol.

I'm loving this so-far. The characterization is simply beautiful~!
OMGsomeoneTOOKmyOTHERnickname chapter 21 . 11/24/2019
This was a really well written story! It’s so sad and sweet and this is actually the first series I’ve read that was complete. So yeah. It was really good. I love their eventual trust for eachother and how Kaito helps Shinichi and then vice versa. I also loved reading when they “first met” too, because I was kindof wondering how that went anyway. Thank you for spending your time to write this and post it here. I loved every chapter and I would’ve read it all in one night if it wasn’t already 3 am by the 19th chapter. I enjoyed the way you took the story, but I was still sad about Aoko. I figured she had died, but I was hoping she had moved away or something instead... (T~T) Anyways, great story! I wish you luck if you ever write anything else!
Blue chapter 21 . 11/22/2019
I'm so sad this story ended. I always looked forward to reading it but I am glad everything was able to be resolved. The story was such a great read and had some inspirational take away readers could use. Thank you for creating this wonderful story and finishing it!
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