Reviews for A Scared New World
Guest chapter 10 . 9/13
I’m really loving this story! So excited for the next chapter!
RandoBitch chapter 10 . 5/29
xSapphirexRosesxFanx chapter 10 . 5/21
So...what now?
Guest chapter 10 . 5/17
First off, I'm not into zombie stuff before (never have been) and I've overlooked your story multiple times. However, after weeks of staying at home and barely finishing online classes (because, y'know, the virus), I finally decided to read your story...and...I LOVE IT! It's literally the first apocalyptic-zombie story I can't seem to put down. I just adore what you're doing with the characters, the whole character development, the suspense, and action. I just have one very simple wish: I hope everyone survives! It's why I'm not into zombie stuff...they're always too depressing. But I love what you're doing here - and I totally love the Supernatural nod you in an earlier chapter (fangirl here for 15 years!). I look forward to your next chapter!

Stay safe and healthy (physically and mentally)!
TheVija chapter 9 . 5/2
You are a very good writer, keep it up!
howsitgoingthere chapter 9 . 3/20
omg this is so good! I love the way this is going. hope you can update soon!
Beachgirl25 chapter 9 . 3/19
So glad your back! I really hope Fury is in charge and not Loki!
katilange chapter 9 . 3/19
Awesome chapter! This story gives me liiiiife
Dimensional Phaser chapter 8 . 1/18
knew that was comming. have fun stopping that blood flow. grab a garden hose i guess and usenit as a turnaquett
Spideyfangirl123 chapter 8 . 1/16
HE CUT OFF HIS WRIST! REEEEEEEEEEEEE! Wait...that how bucky lost his arm!
susy chapter 8 . 1/14
Ouch, that had to hurt! ;) Can't wait for more!
xSapphirexRosesxFanx chapter 8 . 1/13
That was a quick thought. As a thuggery better be iron man and make an iron fist.
JaliceJelsa4eva chapter 8 . 1/13
I am in love with this and I’m like low key sad I read it so fast lol. Jeez I really really hope it’s works and Bucky doesn’t turn! That’s just be terrible! Are there any plans for Thor, Loki, and Bruce to join the group? Maybe with their guard dog named “Hulk”? Lol
katilange chapter 8 . 1/12
Bucky! NO!
TigerInTheMoonlight chapter 8 . 1/12
Hey losing a hand is much better than the whole arm from the shoulder down!
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