Reviews for The Healer
Lion guard lover chapter 17 . 6/22
Noooooo! I LOVE THIS STORY! IT CANNOT END! Who killed Sarafina’s adoptive mother? What will happen to Sarafina!? Please reconsider finishing this!
Unbelievable chapter 1 . 6/3
This story is amazing! I’ve read many lion guard fanfictions, and this is by far the best I’ve ever read. The story an plot in amazing, the attention to detail amazing, everything is so incredibly good. I hope you continue to write many more amazing stories about Sarafina.
Wow chapter 1 . 5/31
Wow! This is amazing! I’ve read many fanfiction stories about The Lion Guard and this is by far the best
Arianna Le Fay chapter 17 . 5/29
i am sad to see this story being gone forever but i am happy you will still write the lion guard
but will dalia and kion be in love ? because it is so hard to find a kion love story
TheGirlOnFire96 chapter 17 . 5/28
Thanks for the update, Maddie. i am a bit sad that the Healer's coming to an end, but I really love the new story you've come up with. I'll be sure to check it out.
Estela prime chapter 17 . 5/28
J'aurais voulu te dire de ne surtout pas abandonner ton histoire mais c'est vrai que ton histoire actuelle manque un peu de piquant
Ta nouvelle histoire est pas si mal
CyberChick135 chapter 17 . 5/28
Ohhh! I so wanna read this new story! I’m loving it already. Can’t wit for more! I’ll be on the lookout for “The Restless Wanderer”
Estela prime chapter 16 . 5/2
Tu n'avais pas dit que tu mettrais à jour aujourd'hui, sans vouloir t'offenser!
BMDECJJLCA chapter 1 . 3/20
thatrandomreaderr chapter 15 . 3/13
Love it. Please update soon!
Arianna Le Fay chapter 15 . 3/9
I love this story best kion story ever
I was just wondering when will the romance begin
lainabellio chapter 15 . 3/9
Sarafina saves Kion yet again, lol. I've always loved stories where the female protagonist is strong and capable of saving the "big, strong male" protagonist. Will this story follow that?
Toast with Coffee chapter 15 . 3/8
Very interesting chapter for Sarafina (between her personal investigation to the assiting in delivery). Will we be seeing more of Sarafina and Makua investigations? Also, will we find out the answer to the mystery soon?
TheGirlOnFire96 chapter 15 . 3/8
I love how Sarafina is always supportive of Kion, even when nobody else was. I do have a question though — will you make a love interest for Tiifu and Zuri? In traditional lion prides, there's only one male lion who basically mates with multiple lionesses. I'm assuming you won't follow the same pattern. So... will there ever be a love interest? Or will they just lead out single lives?
Arianna Le Fay chapter 6 . 3/7
i love this story the best kion story ever and i am so happy kion will be the king he is my favorite
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