Reviews for New Horizons
Dovahkiin795 chapter 5 . 8/1
When can we expect the new chapter for the Halo story you're working on?
Anon chapter 2 . 6/6
Hey looks Good so far, but maybe a little more Description and proof reading in the first chapter, I could spot a few errors. Regardless good job
Love the crusader class i loved that corvette in SW EaW FoC, so OP.
Are they both OC's?
Also are you the Verbus helping with the Halo fanfic, Unexpected Alliance?
Definatly got my intrest though, please keep writing.
creaponrun chapter 1 . 11/27/2019
Good premise. You write the interactiona between the characters nicely. I hope to read more.
Monsterhuntersonya chapter 3 . 11/2/2019
Your story is so well write that I love it, you have so much detail, your character development is wonderful, I think the future chapters are going to be just as good if not better than thesee initial three chapters. The jedi seems like a really intersting character, I would love to see her develop even further, I like the idea of the force exhaustion and Ed is so ordinary compared to the jedi the he is awesome and it adds another dynamic and diversity to the characterse and story