Reviews for A Whole New World
The tech priest chapter 9 . 3/3
Will the fleshy bits update soon?
Or have you forgotten to pray to the machine spirits and the Omnissiah?
PrettyRecklessLaura chapter 9 . 3/1
Can't wait for more!
Da Warboss chapter 9 . 1/16
Creamy Sheev chapter 9 . 1/14
Come on, I’m not that bad. I’m preventing the rise of Darth Broom Boy, the most brutal in the galaxy.
Guest chapter 9 . 1/14
Hmm... I wonder how the Jedi council would react to someone like Gunny R. Lee Emery falling out of whatever type of portal Ariana arrived through and, upon landing in the middle of the Council chamber and injuring his legs, started a long tirade of profanity, the likes of which only Marine Corps Drill Instructors are capable of producing. The looks on the Councilors’ faces would be priceless.

And if it happened during a full Council meeting with Palpatine... I’m giggling just thinking about it.
WillyDJ chapter 9 . 1/6
Isn't Trent pretty much a stateless person or a Corellian nobody as far as anyone but Arianna is concerned? Also, is he seems wildly unfamiliar with who the Ian Mcdiarmid look a like is.
Guest chapter 5 . 12/31/2019
Hmmm, if Padme "disappeared" then it would be hard for Palpatine to use her against Anakin. Ariana just needs Padme to say in front of the Senate "I have information that could lead to the arrest of Hillary Clinton." and it should work itself out.

... oh shit, that means I just said it! Epstein didn't kill himseljdnxhxhxjxjdhhnnnjbnbljjmbnnhjhlbbb
Guest chapter 4 . 12/31/2019
Personally, I'd have said to Piell "say that to my face, Pill, you pathetic excuse for a master. I saw that smug little grin of yours. Come up to my face and say it like a man or kindly fuck off and buy your boyfriend Dooku a new purse or something."

And when he storms off like the little bitch he is, I'd tell the obviously unimpressed Windu that mockery is completely legitimate to use against corrupt, self-righteous traitors like him. It shows their true colors for everyone to see, especially when they find that I gain 7 "self-inflicted" rifle rounds to the back of the head after tripping and falling on a kitchen knife 33 times sometime in the next few weeks.
Guest chapter 3 . 12/30/2019
"Mace Windu who looks so much like Samuel L. Jackson its crazy!"

She should ask him if he's sick of these motherfuckin Sith in his motherfuckin galaxy.
Guest chapter 2 . 12/30/2019
Well, Ariana should be extremely happy that she is in Star Wars and not in Warhammer 40k. Where Stalingrad is just an average Tuesday, space locusts are stripping sectors clean of life, literal demonic gods and their cultists and demons slaughter countless billions of civilians for fun, and humanity is barely holding on the edge of extinction by their theocratic, totalitarian galaxy-spanning empire and its Inquisition, countless billions of soldiers and millions of genetically-engineered, power-armored super soldiers. And where in Star Wars, Alderaan was a tragedy, again, its Tuesday for the Imperium of Man.
Guest chapter 1 . 12/30/2019
Clearly, Ariana forgot to get a concealed carry permit... and weapon. I mean, having a Glock in that sort of situation (and being trained to use it safely and efficiently) would be very helpful. Especially since those men could've been cartel members, human traffickers, or slavers. (Or all three.)
Just saying.
I would've fired a warning shot into the air.
WillyDJ chapter 8 . 11/24/2019
The complication seems very interesting, but the chapter felt very choppy. I would suggest using the audio playback feature and listening to what you have written.
kossboss chapter 1 . 11/13/2019
good first chapter, only thing I can say there is a few errors in the first paragraph that may be need to be edited, as it is not indicative of the rest of the chapter where there are far fewer.
WillyDJ chapter 7 . 11/13/2019
Sounds like the basis for some interesting complications down the line. Hope Arianna's 'lesson' in why meditation is important is not too traumatic. Wait. What am I saying? Traumatise your heroes! The 'hunted by mobsters' sounds too good to pass up on either.
WillyDJ chapter 6 . 11/6/2019
Well, Obi-Wan was right. Ariana did enjoy the physical aspect more. Not that I blame her, a Force connection is likely something very intense coupled with the standard physical attraction at work. Still, on some level she must be aware that snogging the Chosen One is a Bad Thing. Those non-attachment rules aren't just there for a ham fisted 'forbidden love' angle. In universe, they exist for good reasons and ignoring them is a Bad Idea. I would advise she turns the temperature down.
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