Reviews for Road to Hyrule
Kyle chapter 7 . 5/17
This story is pretty much a walkthrough with two new names. What is suppose to be exciting? I'm confused.
Kyle chapter 6 . 5/17
I definitely would NOT put my life into Mark's hands.
Kyle chapter 5 . 5/17
Too stylish? TOO STYLISH? THAT'S THE KIND OF THING THAT WILL GET YOU F'EKD IF THE GRID GOES DOWN or we get invaded whatever! He would get yelled at by his drill sergeant if he ever said that to his face and he'd cause the whole camp to do manual labor and any number of punishments for putting his team at risk.

I am SO glad that he isn't protecting the lives of our troops. Thank God.
James Birdsong chapter 39 . 11/15/2019
Good four chapters
James Birdsong chapter 35 . 10/18/2019