Reviews for McGee helps end TIVA
Cassandra30 chapter 1 . 6/30
Saissa chapter 1 . 5/17
How the heck can Deliah have children when she is supposed to be paralyzed and stuck in a wheelchair?

Assuming she had to go through artificial insemination just to become pregnant, a paralyzed uterus would have have been viable for 9 months. Unless they used a surrogate?

Personally, if I were Tim, I would have dumped Delilah for betraying tim way back when - something that happened just before that explosion in which she was paralysed. That's called KARMA!
Gottahavemyncis chapter 1 . 3/21
Love this. This is the Tony, Tim (and Gibbs for his brief appearance) I believe in and I totally agree on taking Tiva off life support and letting it go.
katbybee chapter 1 . 11/18/2019
Notice how the haters and nasty reviewers hide behind "Guest?" No guts. I won't say this was my favorite story, but I get your reasoning. Tim was a little OOC for my taste. I prefer McGiva over Tiva, personally, but even then, canon Ziva would have a lot of growing up to do first. Overall, good stuff!
Guest chapter 1 . 10/29/2019
AHAHA! My friend linked me to this story, I totally thought she was joking, or that this was one of those parody stories that people make to mock idiots like you, but you’re actually serious. I laughed through the whole thing. Definitely linking this to more people so they can have a chuckle as well.
Guest chapter 1 . 10/29/2019
I should have known from the title that this would be terrible, because you didn’t even bother to give it a real title! And that’s still like, the least terrible thing about this because all of it is just. So. Amazingly. Bad?! Like, I thought maybe it was just this one story so I looked at your other works,, but everything you’ve ever written is just like this and all of it sucks. And it sucks in the same way, so your not even getting better or anything? Girl, please get another hobby because this one ain’t gonna pay your bills. What’s really funny though, is that at the end of the day, people who actually can write brought back a character that left six years ago just because people wanted her back so badly, and the only thing you can do about it is write really really REALLY bad fanfiction for attention. Must suck. Not as bad as this story, but still. Have you thought about being an accountant. I know a few and they’re all terrible writers, but its fine because it requires no creative skills and I think you would do really well with that.
monkeywrench542 chapter 1 . 10/20/2019
The reason that Tiva does not work so well is that even though Tiva is canon, Tiva was never meant to work in fanfiction or in canon, as Tony is a playboy and is scared of commitment and Ziva wants a family and a husband. the only person in canon or in fanfiction that could have made Ziva happy at any time was McGee, as he would have been the man to fulfill Ziva's needs to have both a family and be a husband as well.
LAG0802 chapter 1 . 10/20/2019
Guest chapter 1 . 10/19/2019
Gibbs was an ass in Family First. He acted like he could care less Ziva was dead. You haters need to get over it and move on.
sue2556 chapter 1 . 10/19/2019
You have voiced my opinions of this Tony/Ziva mess. After what she did to Tony in Israel after the Rifkin affair, I was totally done with her. I really wish the show was done with her as well. She was acting like a spoiled child when Gibbs didn't look for her. She needs a good kick in the pants or something more severe to realize the world does not revolve around Ziva David.
angry penguin chapter 1 . 10/18/2019
This should have happened love it.
Troubled-Angel-26 chapter 1 . 10/18/2019
This was great and hopefully if they do bring tony back something like this is the result
smush68 chapter 1 . 10/18/2019
May I just say I loved your author's note? I loved your author's note. Not just in relation to Tiva, but Nick and Bishop, and Jack and Gibbs. I remember in the beginning with Ellie, she was totally devoted to her husband, so much so that she worried about having to act as part of a couple on an undercover op. She divorced, jumped quickly into a relationship with (Hakim?), who was killed. She was devastated...then jumped into a relationship with Nick. After the whole Tony/Ziva back and forth, I'm really not in the mood to go through it again with Ellie and Nick. And I'm not a fan of Sloane, either. Just the way she showed up on Gibbs' doorstep to get a read on him. I just feel like she has an ulterior motive (like I always thought Ziva had). Plus, she's not a redhead! LOL

The story was good, too! I'm glad Tim finally stepped up and had Tony's back. And that Tony finally ended it for good.

Thanks for bringing it all out in the open!
Jen chapter 1 . 10/18/2019
What a horrible story! Can you really see mcgee acting like that!? I don't think so. And Tony is gullible as usual acting immature. I'm fed up with this kind of bs
Guest chapter 1 . 10/18/2019
As much as you hate Tiva they’ll never go away. Want all you want.
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